The Custom Commands

Alongside the Canvas operator, a handful of custom commands are defined.
They can be used in a script for a variety of tasks, from simply adding a Canvas operator to an object to create entire graphs from scratch.



Adds a backdrop to a graph.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasAddBackDrop( binding, execPath, title, xPos, yPos )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path for the new backdrop.

  • title

    The title of the new backdrop, for example “recompute my normals”.

  • xPos

    The x position for the new backdrop.

  • yPos

    The y position for the new backdrop.



Adds a block node to a graph.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddBlock( binding, execPath, desiredName, xPos, yPos )

Return value

The name of the new node.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path for the new node.

  • desiredName

    The title of the new node.

  • xPos

    The x position for the new node.

  • yPos

    The y position for the new node.



Adds a port to a block node.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddBlockPort( binding, execPath, blockName, desiredPortName, portType, typeSpec, pathToConnect, connectType, extDep, metaData )

Return value

The name of the new port. Note that the name returned by the command might be different from the name specified via desiredPortName due to the internal naming rules used by Fabric Core.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the block to which the port will be added to.

  • blockName

    The name of the block.

  • desiredPortName

    The desired name for the port. If a port with the same name already exists then the name of the new port will be suffixed with a number, e.g. “2”, appended to its name.

  • portType

    The port type: “In”, “Out” or “IO”.

  • typeSpec

    The data type of the port, for example “Scalar”, “Vec3”, “PolygonMesh”.

  • pathToConnect

    An optional path to an existing port. If specified, the new port will be connected to this port.

  • connectType

    The connection type: “In”, “Out” or “IO”.

  • extDep

    An optional extension dependency for the port.

  • metaData

    Additional metadata, for example UI ranges or combo lists.



Adds a function node to a graph.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddFunc( binding, execPath, title, initialCode, xPos, yPos )

Return value

The name of the new node.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path for the new function node.

  • title

    The title of the new function node.

  • initialCode

    The initial KL code of the new function node.

  • xPos

    The x position for the new node.

  • yPos

    The y position for the new node.



Adds a ‘get variable’ node to a graph.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddGet( binding, execPath, desiredNodeName, varPath, xPos, yPos )

Return value

The name of the new node.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path for the new ‘get’ node.

  • desiredNodeName

    The desired name for the new node.

  • varPath

    The path to the variable.

  • xPos

    The x position for the new node.

  • yPos

    The y position for the new node.



Adds a graph node to the graph.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddGraph( binding, execPath, title, xPos, yPos )

Return value

The name of the new node.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path for the new graph node.

  • title

    The title for the new node.

  • xPos

    The x position for the new node.

  • yPos

    The y position for the new node.



Adds a port to a block instance.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddInstBlockPort( binding, execPath, instName, blockName, desiredPortName, typeSpec, pathToConnect, extDep, metaData )

Return value

The name of the new port. Note that the name returned by the command might be different from the name specified via desiredPortName due to the internal naming rules used by Fabric Core.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the block to which the port will be added to.

  • instName

    The name of the instance.

  • blockName

    The name of the block.

  • desiredPortName

    The desired name for the port. If a port with the same name already exists then the name of the new port will be suffixed with a number, e.g. “2”, appended to its name.

  • typeSpec

    The data type of the port, for example “Scalar”, “Vec3”, “PolygonMesh”.

  • pathToConnect

    An optional path to an existing port. If specified, the new port will be connected to this port.

  • extDep

    An optional extension dependency for the port.

  • metaData

    Additional metadata, for example UI ranges or combo lists.



Adds a port to an instance node.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddInstPort( binding, execPath, instName, desiredPortName, portType, typeSpec, pathToConnect, connectType, extDep, metaData )

Return value

The name of the new port. Note that the name returned by the command might be different from the name specified via desiredPortName due to the internal naming rules used by Fabric Core.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the block to which the port will be added to.

  • instName

    The name of the instance.

  • desiredPortName

    The desired name for the port. If a port with the same name already exists then the name of the new port will be suffixed with a number, e.g. “2”, appended to its name.

  • portType

    The port type: “In”, “Out” or “IO”.

  • typeSpec

    The data type of the port, for example “Scalar”, “Vec3”, “PolygonMesh”.

  • pathToConnect

    An optional path to an existing port. If specified, the new port will be connected to this port.

  • connectType

    The connection type: “In”, “Out” or “IO”.

  • extDep

    An optional extension dependency for the port.

  • metaData

    Additional metadata, for example UI ranges or combo lists.



Adds a port to a node.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddPort( binding, execPath, desiredPortName, portType, typeSpec, portToConnect, extDep, uiMetadata )

Return value

The name of the new port. Note that the name returned by the command might be different from the name specified via desiredPortName due to the internal naming rules used by Fabric Core.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node to which the port will be added to.

  • desiredPortName

    The desired name for the port. If a port with the same name already exists then the name of the new port will be suffixed with a number, e.g. “2”, appended to its name.

  • portType

    The port type: “In”, “Out” or “IO”.

  • typeSpec

    The data type of the port, for example “Scalar”, “Vec3”, “PolygonMesh”.

  • portToConnect

    An optional path to an existing port. If specified, the new port will be connected to this port.

  • extDep

    An optional extension dependency for the port.

  • uiMetadata

    Additional metadata, for example UI ranges or combo lists.



Adds a ‘set variable’ node to a graph.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddSet( binding, execPath, desiredNodeName, varPath, xPos, yPos )

Return value

The name of the new node.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path for the new ‘set’ node.

  • desiredNodeName

    The desired name for the new node.

  • varPath

    The path to the variable.

  • xPos

    The x position for the new node.

  • yPos

    The y position for the new node.



Adds a variable node to a graph.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasAddVar( binding, execPath, desiredNodeName, dataType, extDep, xPos, yPos )

Return value

The name of the new node.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path for the new variable node.

  • desiredNodeName

    The desired name for the node/variable.

  • dataType

    The data type of the variable, for example “Scalar”, “Integer”, “PolygonMesh”.

  • extDep

    The names of one or more extensions the specified dataType depends to be loaded. For example, “PolygonMesh” requires the extension “Geometry”.

  • xPos

    The x position for the new node.

  • yPos

    The y position for the new node.



Connects two ports with each other.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasConnect( binding, execPath, srcPortPath, dstPortPath )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node inside of which the source and destination ports are located.

  • srcPortPath

    The path(s) of the source port(s). If you have more than one path then you must separate them using | (vertical bar).

  • dstPortPath

    The path(s) of the destination port(s). If you have more than one path then you must separate them using | (vertical bar).


The amount of source and destination paths should be the same!



Removes connections between two ports.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasDisconnect( binding, execPath, srcPortPath, dstPortPath )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node inside of which the source and destination ports are located.

  • srcPortPath

    The path(s) of the source port(s). If you have more than one path then you must separate them using | (vertical bar).

  • dstPortPath

    The path(s) of the destination port(s). If you have more than one path then you must separate them using | (vertical bar).


The amount of source and destination paths should be the same!



Create a new preset from an existing node.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasCreatePreset( binding, execPath, nodeName, presetDirPath, presetName )

Return value

The pathname where the new preset was saved on disk, or the empty

string if the preset was not saved.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node to which the port belongs to.

  • nodeName

    The name of the node

  • presetDirPath

    The path to the directory in the preset tree where the preset should be located

  • presetName

    The name of the preset to be created



Edits an existing port. Use this to rename a port, change its data type, etc.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasEditPort( binding, execPath, oldPortName, desiredNewPortName, portType, typeSpec, extDep, uiMetadata )

Return value

The new name of the new port. Note that the name returned by the command might be different from the name specified via desiredNewPortName due to the internal naming rules used by Fabric Core.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node to which the port belongs to.

  • oldPortName

    The current name of the port.

  • desiredNewPortName

    The desired new name for the port. If a port with the same name already exists then the name of the new port will be suffixed with a number, e.g. “2”, appended to its name.

  • portType

    The port type: “In”, “Out” or “IO”.

  • typeSpec

    The data type of the port, for example “Scalar”, “Vec3”, “PolygonMesh”.

  • extDep

    An optional extension dependency for the port.

  • uiMetadata

    Additional metadata, for example UI ranges or combo lists.



Explodes a node that contains a subgraph. All existing connections between ports are preserved.

Scripting Syntax

names = FabricCanvasExplodeNode( binding, execPath, nodeName )

Return value

The names of the nodes that were inside of the node that got exploded.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node containing the node to explode.

  • nodeName

    The name of the node to explode.



Exports the graph of an operator as a JSON file.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasExportGraph( OperatorName, JSONFilePath )


  • OperatorName

    The name of a CanvasOp operator. Its graph will be exported as a JSON file.

  • JSONFilePath

    The path + filename + extension of the JSON file, e.g. “D:Tempmy_graph.canvas”



Returns the ID of the FabricCore DFGBinding used by a specified Canvas operator. This is useful if you want to create a python FabricCore client, for example, to access the same data.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasGetBindingID( OperatorName )


  • OperatorName

    The name of a CanvasOp operator.


The following VBScript gets the FabricCore DFGBinding ID of a null and logs it.

Option Explicit

Dim bindingID
bindingID = FabricCanvasGetBindingID("")
logmessage "binding ID: " & bindingID



Returns the FabricCore client contextID used by Canvas operators. This is useful if you want to create a python FabricCore client, for example, to access the same data.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasGetContextID( )


The following VBScript gets the FabricCore client contextID and logs it.

Option Explicit

Dim coreCtxtID
coreCtxtID = FabricCanvasGetContextID()
logmessage "FabricCore client contextID: " & coreCtxtID



Creates a node containing the input nodes as a subgraph. All existing connections between ports are preserved.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasImplodeNodes( binding, execPath, nodeNames, desiredImplodedNodeName )

Return value

The name of the new node.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path where the nodes in nodeNames (see next parameter) are located.

  • nodeNames

    The name(s) of the node(s) to implode. If you have more than one name then you must separate them using | (vertical bar), e.g. “GetSphere|GetSphere_2|DrawPolygonMesh|Add”.

  • desiredImplodedNodeName

    The desired name for the new node that contains all the input nodes.



Sets the graph of an operator from the content of a JSON file.

Scripting Syntax

result = FabricCanvasImportGraph( OperatorName, JSONFilePath )

Return value

‘true’ if the operator had to be recreated, else ‘false’.


  • OperatorName

    The name of a CanvasOp operator. Its graph will be set from the graph contained in a JSON file.

  • JSONFilePath

    The path + fielname + extension of the JSON file, e.g. “D:Tempmy_graph.canvas”



Opens the property page for the currently selected object’s Canvas operator, if any.

Note: the menu “Fabric -> Inspect Canvas Op” also calls this command.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasInspectOp( )



Adds a preset node to the graph.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasInstPreset( binding, execPath, presetPath, xPos, yPos )

Return value

The name of the new node.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path for the new preset node.

  • presetPath

    The path to the preset.

  • xPos

    The x position for the new node.

  • yPos

    The y position for the new node.



Outputs information about Fabric for Softimage in the History Log.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasLogStatus( )



Moves the input node(s).

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasMoveNodes( binding, execPath, nodeNames, xPoss, yPoss )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node containing the nodes in nodeNames (see next parameter).

  • nodeNames

    The name(s) of the node(s) to move. If you have more than one name then you must separate them using | (vertical bar), e.g. “GetSphere|GetSphere_2|DrawPolygonMesh|Add”.

  • xPoss

    The new x position(s) for the node(s). If you have more than one position you must separate them using | (vertical bar), e.g. “302|580|492|332”.

  • yPoss

    The new y position(s) for the node(s). If you have more than one position you must separate them using | (vertical bar), e.g. “110|160|246|264”.



Adds a Canvas operator to an object.

Scripting Syntax

refOp = FabricCanvasOpApply( ObjectName, [dfgJSON], [OpenPPG], [otherOpName], [CreateSpliceOp] )

Return value

A reference at the new operator.


  • ObjectName

    The name of the object that will have the new operator attached to it.

  • dfgJSON

    An optional graph description. The graph of the new operator will be set from this.

    Default is “” (empty graph).

  • OpenPPG

    An optional boolean indicating whether to display the property of the new operator once it got created.

    Default is true.

  • otherOpName

    An optional name of another CanvasOp operator. If specified, this command will copy parameters, exposed values, animations etc. from this operator to the new one.

    Default is “”.

  • CreateSpliceOp

    An optional integer indicating whether to also create a SpliceOp operator for the object:
    • 0 don’t create a SpliceOp operator.
    • 1 create a SpliceOp operator.
    • 2 create a SpliceOp operator only if the object doesn’t have one yet.

    Default is 2.

    Note: it is highly recommended to always use the default value for this parameter.



Connects or disconnects an exposed Canvas port that has the type “XSI Port”.

Scripting Syntax

success = FabricCanvasOpConnectPort( OperatorName, portName, [targetNames], [checkIfAlreadyConnected] )

Return value

A boolean indicating whether the operation was successful or not.


  • OperatorName

    The name of a CanvasOp operator.

  • portName

    The port name.

  • targetNames

    Optional target name(s), separated by semicolon. If this is set then the port specified via ‘portName’ is connected with the target(s). If this is not set (i.e. “”) then all connections to the port specified via ‘portName’ are removed.

    Note: it usually is sufficient to just specify the object names, e.g. “myNull” or “myNull;null2;poi”. The command will automatically expand the target to match the port’s type, e.g. “” if the port has the data type “Mat44”.

    Default is “”.

  • checkIfAlreadyConnected

    If true then check if targetNames is already connected and, if it is, don’t add a further connection.

    Default is true.



Disconnects objects from an exposed Canvas port that has the type “XSI Port”.

Scripting Syntax

success = FabricCanvasOpDisconnectPort( OperatorName, portName, [targetNames]

Return value

A boolean indicating whether the operation was successful or not.


  • OperatorName

    The name of a CanvasOp operator.

  • portName

    The port name.

  • targetNames

    Optional target name(s), separated by semicolon. If this is set then the target(s) in targetNames are disconnected from the port. If this is not set (i.e. “”) then all connections to the port are removed.

    Note: it usually is sufficient to just specify the object names, e.g. “myNull” or “myNull;null2;poi”. The command will automatically expand the target to match the port’s type, e.g. “” if the port has the data type “Mat44”.

    Default is “”.



Defines the port mapping for one or more ports of a Canvas operator.

Scripting Syntax

refOp = FabricCanvasOpPortMapDefine( OperatorName, portmapDefinition )

Return value

A reference at the new operator.


  • OperatorName

    The name of a CanvasOp operator.

  • portmapDefinition

    The port mapping, encoded in a single string.


The following VBScript creates a null with a Canvas graph (the graph draws a red torus into the viewport using the inline drawing) and exposes the RGB channels as XSI parameters.

Option Explicit

Dim opRef
Dim portmapDefinition
Dim nodeNameGetTorus
Dim nodeNameDrawMesh
Dim nodeNameColor

' create a null with a Canvas operator.
GetPrim "Null"
set opRef = FabricCanvasOpApply("null", "", False)

' create a small graph.
nodeNameGetTorus = FabricCanvasInstPreset( opRef.FullName, , "Fabric.Compounds.PolygonMesh.Create.GetTorus", "100", "50" )
nodeNameDrawMesh = FabricCanvasInstPreset( opRef.FullName, , "Fabric.Compounds.PolygonMesh.Display.DrawMesh", "330", "160" )
nodeNameColor    = FabricCanvasInstPreset( opRef.FullName, , "Fabric.Exts.Math.Color.ComposeColor", "100", "200" )
FabricCanvasConnect opRef.FullName, , nodeNameGetTorus & ".mesh", nodeNameDrawMesh & ".mesh"
FabricCanvasConnect opRef.FullName, , nodeNameColor & ".result", nodeNameDrawMesh & ".color"

' create ports for "drawThis", "r", "g" and "b".
FabricCanvasAddPort opRef.FullName, , "drawThis", "Out", "DrawingHandle", nodeNameDrawMesh & ".drawThis"
FabricCanvasAddPort opRef.FullName, , "r", "In", "Scalar", nodeNameColor & ".r"
FabricCanvasAddPort opRef.FullName, , "g", "In", "Scalar", nodeNameColor & ".g"
FabricCanvasAddPort opRef.FullName, , "b", "In", "Scalar", nodeNameColor & ".b"

' define the port mapping so that "r", "g" and "b" are exposed as XSI parameters.
portmapDefinition = "r|XSI Parameter" & "<<->>" & "g|XSI Parameter" & "<<->>" & "b|XSI Parameter"
set opRef = FabricCanvasOpPortMapDefine(opRef.FullName, portmapDefinition)

' set the color to red.
SetValue opRef.FullName & ".r", 1
SetValue opRef.FullName & ".g", 0
SetValue opRef.FullName & ".b", 0

' open the property page.
InspectObj opRef.FullName



Returns the current port mapping of a Canvas operator.

Scripting Syntax

portmap = FabricCanvasOpPortMapQuery( OperatorName, [portName] )

Return value

A string containing the result or “” (i.e. empty string) if something went wrong (e.g. operator or port not found).

The string can contain one or more port mappings and each mapping has several values. The delimiter for the ports is “<<->>” and for the values “|”, here how the ports and values are encoded in the string:

"<port name>|<port type>|<data type>|<map type>|<target>|<value><<->><port name>|<port type>|<data type>|<map type>|<target>|<value><<->>..."

See the example VBScript below on how to split the string to get the individual values.


  • OperatorName

    The name of a CanvasOp operator.

  • portName

    An optional port name. If specified then only the port mapping of the port named portName is returned, else the mapping of all ports is returned.

    Default is “”.


The following VBScript logs the entire port mapping of a Canvas operator.

Option Explicit

Dim portmap
Dim opName
Dim portName

opName = ""
portName = ""

portmap = FabricCanvasOpPortMapQuery(opName, portName)
if portmap = "" then
  logmessage "invalid operator name or no ports found"
  Dim i, p, pa
  pa = Split(portmap, "<<->>")
  for i = 0 to UBound(pa)
    p = Split(pa(i), "|")
    logmessage "port " & Chr(34) & p(0) & Chr(34) & ":"
    logmessage "    port type: " & p(1)
    logmessage "    data type: " & p(2)
    logmessage "     map type: " & p(3)
    if p(4) <> "" then logmessage "       target: " & p(4)
    if p(5) <> "" then logmessage "        value: " & p(5)
end if



Pastes a text (i.e. a JSON string) into the graph.

Scripting Syntax

names = FabricCanvasPaste( binding, execPath, text, xPos, yPos )

Return value

The names of the nodes that got pasted.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path where the new nodes will get pasted into.

  • text

    The “text” to paste. Note: the “text” must be a JSON representation of a graph or subgraph.

  • xPos

    The x position for the pasted node(s).

  • yPos

    The y position for the pasted node(s).



Removes one or more nodes from the graph.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasRemoveNodes( binding, execPath, nodeNames )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node containing the nodes in nodeNames (see next parameter).

  • nodeNames

    The name(s) of the node(s) to remove. If you have more than one name then you must separate them using | (vertical bar), e.g. “GetSphere|GetSphere_2|DrawPolygonMesh|Add”.



Removes port(s) from a graph or a node.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasRemovePort( binding, execPath, portName )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node with the port that is to be removed.

  • portName

    The name(s) of the port(s) to remove. If you have more than one port name then you must separate them using | (vertical bar).



Renames a port.

Scripting Syntax

name = FabricCanvasRenamePort( binding, execPath, oldPortName, desiredNewPortName )

Return value

The new name of the port.


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node with the port that is to be renamed.

  • oldPortName

    The current name of the port.

  • desiredNewPortName

    The desired new name for the port. If a port with the same name already exists then the new name of the port will have a number, e.g. “2”, appended to its name.



Reorders ports.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasReorderPorts( binding, execPath, itemPath, indices )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node with the ports that are to be reordered.

  • itemPath

    The path to the item.

  • indices

    An array of indices that defines the new order for the ports.

    Example: say you have three ports. Then their indices are “0”, “1” and “2” and the current order of the ports is “[0, 1, 2]”. If you now wish to reorder the ports so that port 1 comes before port 0 you would call this command with the following indices: “[1, 0, 2]”.



Resizes and repositions a backdrop.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasResizeBackDrop( binding, execPath, backDropName, xPos, yPos, width, height )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node containing the backdrop.

  • backDropName

    The name of the backdrop.

  • xPos

    The new x position of the backdrop.

  • yPos

    The new y position of the backdrop.

  • width

    The new width of the backdrop.

  • height

    The new height of the backdrop.



Selects all object that are connected to an operator.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasSelectConnected( OperatorName, [selWhat], [preClearSel], [skipReservedPorts] )


  • OperatorName

    The name of a CanvasOp operator.

  • selWhat

    An optional integer specifying what to select:
    • -1 select only objects connected to “In” ports.
    • 0 select all connected objects.
    • +1 select only objects connected to “Out” ports.

    Default is 0.

  • preClearSel

    An optional boolean indicating whether to clear the current selection before selecting the connected objects.

    Default is true.

  • skipReservedPorts

    An optional boolean indicating whether to also select objects that are connected to the operator’s reserved ports.

    Default is true.



Sets the value of one of the graph’s ports (a.k.a. arguments). Note: these are the ports that can be exposed to Softimage and that are displayed in the tab “Ports and Tools” of the operator’s property page.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasSetArgValue( binding, argName, typeName, valueJSON )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • argName

    The name of the port / argument.

  • typeName

    The type of the parameter valueJSON.

  • valueJSON

    The actual value, as a JSON string.



Sets the code of a (function) node.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasSetCode( binding, execPath, code )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the function node.

  • code

    The KL code.



Sets the extension dependencies of a node.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasSetExtDeps( binding, execPath, extDeps )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node.

  • extDeps

    The name(s) of the extensions for the node. If you want to specifiy more than one extension then you must separate them using | (vertical bar), e.g. “Alembic|Geometry|Math”.



Sets the comment of a node.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasSetNodeComment( binding, execPath, nodeName, comment )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node.

  • nodeName

    The name of the node to add a comment to.

  • comment

    The comment.



Renames a node in a Canvas graph

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasEditNode( binding, execPath, currentNodeName, desiredNodeName, uiMetadata )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node.

  • oldNodeName

    The current name of the node.

  • desiredNewNodeName

    The desired new name of the node.

  • nodeMetadata


  • execMetadata



The actual new name of the node



Sets the default value of a port.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasSetPortDefaultValue( binding, execPath, portPath, typeName, valueJSON )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node with the port.

  • portPath

    The port path.

  • typeName

    The type of the parameter valueJSON.

  • valueJSON

    The new default value, as a JSON string.




Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasSetRefVarPath( binding, execPath, refName, varPath )





Splits an executable (graph or function) from the preset it references

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasSplitFromPreset( binding, execPath )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • execPath

    The path of the node.



Dismisses load diagnostics.

Scripting Syntax

FabricCanvasDismissLoadDiags( binding, diagIndices )


  • binding

    The name of a CanvasOp operator (i.e. the graph).

  • diagIndices

    An array of load diagnostics indices.