Registered Types

Fabric Engine supports a registered types system whereby user-defined compound types (ie. structures) are defined through JavaScript. Once a type has been registered, it can be used to define members of Nodes and EventHandlers (see below) as well as used in KL code.

Registering a New Type

To register a new type, call the fabricClient.RT.registerType function with the name of the type as the first parameter and the specification object as the second parameter. The specification object has the following members:


An object containing the members to be contained in the type. The key names are the member names for the type and the key values are the names of already-registered types or built-in KL types (see the KL プログラミングガイド for more information on atomic types).


It is possible to append brackets to obtain variable- or fixed-length arrays as members, eg. Scalar[2][2], Scalar[][] and Scalar[2][][4].


A JavaScript or Python constructor that is used to provide the JavaScript or Python “prototype” for objects values returned from the Fabric Engine core, as well as to provide a default value if none is given.


(optional) The default value for the type.


(optional) KL code to include which provides operations involving the type, such as constructors, methods and operators

To get an object containing information about all the currently-registered types, call fabricClient.RT.getRegisteredTypes().

Example of Type Registration

The following code registers a new Fabric Engine type Vec3 and associates it with a Python type of the same name:

>>> # Registered types
class Vec3():
  def __init__( self, x = None, y = None, z = None ):
    if type( x ) is float and type( y ) is float and type( z ) is float:
      self.x = x
      self.y = y
      self.z = z
    elif x is None and y is None and z is None:
      self.x = 0
      self.y = 0
      self.z = 0
      raise Exception( 'Vec3: invalid arguments' )

>>> vec3KLBindings = """
// Construct a Vec3 from three Scalars
function Vec3(Scalar x, Scalar y, Scalar z) {
  this.x = x;
  this.y = y;
  this.z = z;
// Add two Vec3s
function Vec3 + (Vec3 a, Vec3 b) {
  return Vec3(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z);

>>> vec3TypeDesc = {
  'members': [{'x': 'Scalar'}, {'y': 'Scalar'}, {'z': 'Scalar'}],
  'constructor': Vec3,
  'klBindings': {
    'filename': "(inline)",
    'sourceCode': vec3KLBindings

>>> fabricClient.RT.registerType('Vec3', vec3TypeDesc)

>>> fabricClient.RT.getRegisteredTypes()['Vec3']
{u'defaultValue': <__main__.Vec3 instance at 0x7f73df6955f0>, u'internalType': u'struct', u'name': u'Vec3', u'members': [{u'type': u'Scalar', u'name': u'x'}, {u'type': u'Scalar', u'name': u'y'}, {u'type': u'Scalar', u'name': u'z'}], u'size': 12}