Utilizing GPU compute with Geometries






PolygonMesh は、GPU上へ移動しGPUコンピュートカーネルに渡すことができる PolygonMeshTopology 型の ‘topology’ と呼ばれるメンバーを所有しています。

PolygonMesh をGPUカーネルで使用する前に、そのトポロジーデータをGPUに移動する必要があります。ジオメトリが所有する各 :kl-ref:`GeometryAttribute’ もまた使用する前にGPUに個別に移動する必要があります。


Each of the GeometryAttributes owns data that can be passed into GPU Compute kernels. Most attributes have a member called ‘values’ which is an array of the data type supported by the GeometryAttribute.

** Example: Moving a polygonMesh to the GPU

require Geometry;

operator meshDataOnGPU<<<index>>>(io PolygonMeshTopology meshData){

operator entry() {

  PolygonMesh mesh = PolygonMesh();
  Scalar length = 12.0;
  Scalar width = 4.0;
  Integer lengthSections = 3;
  Integer widthSections = 4;

  mesh.addPlane(Xfo(), length, width, lengthSections, widthSections, true, true);


  report(mesh.getDesc(true, true));

** Output:

Mesh: pointCount: 20 polygonCount: 12 nbAttributeVectors: 20
  Points (adjacent polygons as 'polygon.neighborPolygonIndex', 
          borders as '|', closed wing starts as '<<',
          unshared attribute as value@attributeIndex ):
    0: 1 polygons:  |0.1
      Attr positions:{x:-2.0,y:+0.0,z:-6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.0,y:+0.0}
    1: 2 polygons:  |0.0, 1.1
      Attr positions:{x:-1.0,y:+0.0,z:-6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.25,y:+0.0}
    2: 2 polygons:  |1.0, 2.1
      Attr positions:{x:+0.0,y:+0.0,z:-6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.5,y:+0.0}
    3: 2 polygons:  |2.0, 3.1
      Attr positions:{x:+1.0,y:+0.0,z:-6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.75,y:+0.0}
    4: 1 polygons:  |3.0
      Attr positions:{x:+2.0,y:+0.0,z:-6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+1.0,y:+0.0}
    5: 2 polygons:  |4.1, 0.2
      Attr positions:{x:-2.0,y:+0.0,z:-2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.0,y:+0.333313}
    6: 4 polygons:  <<5.1, 1.2, 0.3, 4.0
      Attr positions:{x:-1.0,y:+0.0,z:-2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.25,y:+0.333313}
    7: 4 polygons:  <<6.1, 2.2, 1.3, 5.0
      Attr positions:{x:+0.0,y:+0.0,z:-2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.5,y:+0.333313}
    8: 4 polygons:  <<7.1, 3.2, 2.3, 6.0
      Attr positions:{x:+1.0,y:+0.0,z:-2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.75,y:+0.333313}
    9: 2 polygons:  |3.3, 7.0
      Attr positions:{x:+2.0,y:+0.0,z:-2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+1.0,y:+0.333313}
    10: 2 polygons:  |8.1, 4.2
      Attr positions:{x:-2.0,y:+0.0,z:+2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.0,y:+0.666626}
    11: 4 polygons:  <<9.1, 5.2, 4.3, 8.0
      Attr positions:{x:-1.0,y:+0.0,z:+2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.25,y:+0.666626}
    12: 4 polygons:  <<10.1, 6.2, 5.3, 9.0
      Attr positions:{x:+0.0,y:+0.0,z:+2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.5,y:+0.666626}
    13: 4 polygons:  <<11.1, 7.2, 6.3, 10.0
      Attr positions:{x:+1.0,y:+0.0,z:+2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.75,y:+0.666626}
    14: 2 polygons:  |7.3, 11.0
      Attr positions:{x:+2.0,y:+0.0,z:+2.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+1.0,y:+0.666626}
    15: 1 polygons:  |8.2
      Attr positions:{x:-2.0,y:+0.0,z:+6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0}
    16: 2 polygons:  |9.2, 8.3
      Attr positions:{x:-1.0,y:+0.0,z:+6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.25,y:+1.0}
    17: 2 polygons:  |10.2, 9.3
      Attr positions:{x:+0.0,y:+0.0,z:+6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.5,y:+1.0}
    18: 2 polygons:  |11.2, 10.3
      Attr positions:{x:+1.0,y:+0.0,z:+6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+0.75,y:+1.0}
    19: 1 polygons:  |11.3
      Attr positions:{x:+2.0,y:+0.0,z:+6.0}
      Attr normals:{x:+0.0,y:+1.0,z:+0.0}
      Attr uvs0:{x:+1.0,y:+1.0}
  Polygons (connected points as 'point.polygonPointIndex', borders as '|'):
    0: 4 points: 1.0 |, 0.0 |, 5.1, 6.2
    1: 4 points: 2.0 |, 1.1, 6.1, 7.2
    2: 4 points: 3.0 |, 2.1, 7.1, 8.2
    3: 4 points: 4.0 |, 3.1, 8.1, 9.0 |
    4: 4 points: 6.3, 5.0 |, 10.1, 11.2
    5: 4 points: 7.3, 6.0, 11.1, 12.2
    6: 4 points: 8.3, 7.0, 12.1, 13.2
    7: 4 points: 9.1, 8.0, 13.1, 14.0 |
    8: 4 points: 11.3, 10.0 |, 15.0 |, 16.1
    9: 4 points: 12.3, 11.0, 16.0 |, 17.1
    10: 4 points: 13.3, 12.0, 17.0 |, 18.1
    11: 4 points: 14.1, 13.0, 18.0 |, 19.0 |


データがGPU上に有れば、 CPUで普段よく使用されるものと同じカーネル群をGPU上でも実行できます。

** Example: Performing a smooth mesh using the CPU and then again using the GPU

require Geometry;

operator noiseOp<<<index>>>(io Vec3 positions[], Scalar height){
  positions[index].y = mathRandomFloat32(54775, index) * height;

operator smoothMesh<<<index>>>(io PolygonMeshTopology mesh, io Vec3 positions[], Vec3 positionsDoubleBuffer[]) {

  //Pseudo-gaussian: center weight = 0.5, neighbor weights sum = 0.5
  Vec3 position = positionsDoubleBuffer[ index ];

  LocalL16UInt32Array surroundingPoints;
  mesh.getPointSurroundingPoints( index, false, surroundingPoints );
  UInt32 nbNei = surroundingPoints.size();
  if( nbNei ) {
    Vec3 neiSum = Vec3(0,0,0);
    for( UInt32 i = 0; i < nbNei; ++i ) {
      UInt32 neiPt = surroundingPoints.get(i);
      neiSum += positionsDoubleBuffer[neiPt];
    neiSum /= Scalar(nbNei);
    position = ( position + neiSum ) * 0.5;
    mesh.setPointAttribute(index, positions, position );

operator entry() {

  UInt32 iterations = 40;
  Scalar length = 120.0;
  Scalar width = 40.0;
  Integer lengthSections = 1400;
  Integer widthSections = 900;
  Scalar height = 10.0;

  // first smooth on the CPU.

    PolygonMesh mesh = PolygonMesh();
    mesh.addPlane(Xfo(), length, width, lengthSections, widthSections, true, true);
    Ref<Vec3Attribute> positionsAttr = mesh.getAttributes().getPositions();

    Vec3 positionsDoubleBuffer[];

    noiseOp<<<positionsAttr.values.size()@false>>>(positionsAttr.values, height);

    UInt64 start = getCurrentTicks();
    for(UInt32 i=0; i<iterations; i++){
      smoothMesh<<<mesh.pointCount()@false>>>(mesh.topology, positionsDoubleBuffer, positionsAttr.values);

      Vec3 tmp[] = positionsAttr.values;
      positionsAttr.values = positionsDoubleBuffer;
      positionsAttr.values = tmp;
    UInt64 end = getCurrentTicks();
    report("pointCount: " + mesh.pointCount() + " CPU Time: " + getSecondsBetweenTicks(start, end));

  // then use the same code to smooth on the GPU.

    PolygonMesh mesh = PolygonMesh();
    mesh.addPlane(Xfo(), length, width, lengthSections, widthSections, true, true);
    Ref<Vec3Attribute> positionsAttr = mesh.getAttributes().getPositions();

    Vec3 positionsDoubleBuffer[];


    noiseOp<<<positionsAttr.values.size()@true>>>(positionsAttr.values, height);

    UInt64 start = getCurrentTicks();
    for(UInt32 i=0; i<iterations; i++){
      smoothMesh<<<mesh.pointCount()@true>>>(mesh.topology, positionsDoubleBuffer, positionsAttr.values);

      Vec3 tmp[] = positionsAttr.values;
      positionsAttr.values = positionsDoubleBuffer;
      positionsAttr.values = tmp;
    UInt64 end = getCurrentTicks();
    report("pointCount: " + mesh.pointCount() + " GPU Time: " + getSecondsBetweenTicks(start, end));


** Output:

pointCount: 1262301 CPU Time: +16.46950416309435
pointCount: 1262301 GPU Time: +16.51505684478995




** Example: Setting Attribute values using setPointAttribute on the PolygonMeshTopology struct.

require Geometry;

operator randomizeMesh<<<index>>>(io PolygonMeshTopology mesh, io Vec3 positions[]) {
  Vec3 position = positionsDoubleBuffer[ index ];
  positions[index].y = mathRandomFloat32(54775, index) * height;
  mesh.setPointAttribute(index, positions, position );

operator entry() {

  PolygonMesh mesh();
  mesh.addPlane(Xfo(), 120.0, 40.0, 1400, 900, true, true);
  Ref<Vec3Attribute> positionsAttr = mesh.getAttributes().getPositions();

  randomizeMesh<<<mesh.pointCount()@true>>>(mesh.topology, positionsAttr.values);

** Output:
(stdin):9:19: error: 'positionsDoubleBuffer': symbol not found
(stdin):10:3: In assignment:
(stdin):10:24:   In binary * expression:
(stdin):10:58:     In right-hand side:
(stdin):10:58: error: 'height': symbol not found
(stdin):11:44: error: 'position': symbol not found



SkinningAttribute はのGPUコンピュートカーネルに渡される SkinningAttributeData 型、または ‘data’ で呼びだされる構造体メンバーを持っています。

** Example: Using the SkinningAttribute in a GPU compute kernel.

require Geometry;

operator skinMeshPositions<<<index>>>(
  io PolygonMeshTopology mesh,
  io Vec3 positions[],
  io SkinningAttributeData skinningAttr,
  Mat44 skinningMatrices[]
  Vec3 srcPos = positions[index];

  LocalL16UInt32Array indices;
  LocalL16ScalarArray weights;
  skinningAttr.getPairs(index, indices, weights);
  Scalar weighSum = 0.0;
  Vec3 position(0,0,0);
  for( UInt32 i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i ) {
    Scalar boneWeight = weights.get(i);
    if( boneWeight == 0.0 )
    UInt32 boneId = indices.get(i);
    position += (skinningMatrices[boneId] * srcPos) * boneWeight;
    weighSum += boneWeight;

  mesh.setPointAttribute( index, positions, position );

operator entry() {

  PolygonMesh mesh = PolygonMesh();
  mesh.addCuboid(Xfo(), 2.0, 2.0, 2.0);
  Ref<Vec3Attribute> positionsAttribute = mesh.getAttributes().positionsAttribute;

  Ref<SkinningAttribute> skinningAttribute = mesh.getOrCreateAttribute("skinningData", SkinningAttribute);

  // Generate a random set of id/weight pairs per vertex in the mesh.
  UInt32 numJoints = 5;
  UInt32 maxNumJointerPerVertex = 3;
  UInt32 seed = 8516;
  UInt32 offset = 0;
  for(Integer i=0; i<skinningAttribute.size; i++){
    UInt16 numItems = mathRandomFloat32(seed, ++offset) * maxNumJointerPerVertex;
    skinningAttribute.setPairCount( i, numItems );
    for(Integer j=0; j<numItems; j++){
      UInt16 index = mathRandomFloat32(seed, ++offset) * numJoints;
      Float32 weight = mathRandomFloat32(seed, ++offset);
      skinningAttribute.setPair( i, j, index, weight );
  Mat44 skinningMatrices[];



  report(mesh.getDesc(true, true));

** Output:
(stdin):47:20: error: must use parentheses to call methods
(stdin):64:3: error: must use parentheses to call methods
(stdin):67:5: error: incorrect type (expected 'SkinningAttributeData', actual 'Data')




  • アトリビュートのサイズはGPUコンピュート動作中に変更することはできません。ポリゴンメッシュトポロジーでサポートしているメソッド群だけが値を変更できますが、アトリビュートの共有情報は変更しないでください。
  • オブジェクト群はまだGPUでサポートされておらず、単純な型と構造体と配列だけがGPUコンピュートカーネルで使用することができます。