

Color (struct)

The color type represents a 32 bit float 4 channel color value, storing the components ordered as red, green, blue and alpha.



** Example: Construct Color

Color colorFromByte(255, 0, 0);
Color colorFromScalar(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);

Color blendColor = colorFromByte.linearInterpolate(colorFromScalar, 0.6);


Scalar r  
Scalar g  
Scalar b  
Scalar a  


  Color ( in Color other )
  Color ( in Float64 v )
  Color ( in Integer r, in Integer g, in Integer b )
  Color ( in Integer r, in Integer g, in Integer b, in Integer a )
  Color ( in RGB r )
  Color ( in RGBA r )
  Color ( in SInt16 v )
  Color ( in SInt32 v )
  Color ( in SInt64 v )
  Color ( in Scalar r, in Scalar g, in Scalar b )
  Color ( in Scalar r, in Scalar g, in Scalar b, in Scalar a )
  Color ( in Scalar v )
  Color ( in UInt16 r, in UInt16 g, in UInt16 b )
  Color ( in UInt16 r, in UInt16 g, in UInt16 b, in UInt16 a )
  Color ( in UInt16 v )
  Color ( in UInt32 v )
  Color ( in UInt64 v )
  Color ( in UInt8 r, in UInt8 g, in UInt8 b )
  Color ( in UInt8 r, in UInt8 g, in UInt8 b, in UInt8 a )
  Color ( in UInt8 v )
  Color ( in Vec3 v )
  Color ( in Vec4 v )
  Color ()
Color add ? ( in Color other )
Boolean almostEqual ? ( in Color other )
Boolean almostEqual ? ( in Color other, in Scalar precision )
Color clone ? ()
Scalar component ? ( in Size i )
Color divide ? ( in Color other )
Color divideScalar ? ( in Scalar other )
Boolean equal ? ( in Color other )
  get ? ( io Float32 v<> )
  get ? ( io Float32 v<>, in UInt32 o )
  get ? ( io Float32 v[] )
  get ? ( io Float32 v[], in UInt32 o )
  get ? ( io Float64 v<> )
  get ? ( io Float64 v<>, in UInt32 o )
  get ? ( io Float64 v[] )
  get ? ( io Float64 v[], in UInt32 o )
UInt32 hash ? ()
Color linearInterpolate ? ( in Color other, in Scalar t )
Color multiply ? ( in Color other )
Color multiplyScalar ? ( in Scalar other )
  set ! ( in Float32 v<> )
  set ! ( in Float32 v<>, in UInt32 o )
  set ! ( in Float64 v<> )
  set ! ( in Float64 v<>, in UInt32 o )
  set ! ( in Scalar r, in Scalar g, in Scalar b, in Scalar a )
  setComponent ! ( in Size i, in Scalar v )
  setFromHSV ! ( in Scalar hue, in Scalar saturation, in Scalar value )
Color subtract ? ( in Color other )
  toHSV ? ( out Scalar hue, out Scalar saturation, out Scalar value )
RGB toRGB ? ()
RGBA toRGBA ? ()


Color = ( Param other )



Color randomColor ( in UInt32 seed, in UInt32 offset, in Scalar gammaAdjustment )

Generates a random color based on a seed and offset with gamma adjustment.

** Example: Construct :ref:`Color <color>`

:ref:`UInt32 <uint32>` seed = 8765;
:ref:`UInt32 <uint32>` offset = 0;
// Generate a regular random color
:ref:`Color <color>` color = randomColor(seed, ++offset);

// Generate a light random color
:ref:`Color <color>` color = randomColor(seed, ++offset, 0.5);

// Generate a dark random color
:ref:`Color <color>` color = randomColor(seed, ++offset, -0.5);
seed The seed to base the random number geration on.
offset The offset to use in the random number sequence.
gammaAdjustment A gamma adjustment to offset the range of the generated color.


Color randomColor ( in UInt32 seed, in UInt32 offset, in Scalar gammaAdjustment )

Generates a random color based on a seed and offset with gamma adjustment.

** Example: Construct Color

UInt32 seed = 8765;
UInt32 offset = 0;
// Generate a regular random color
Color color = randomColor(seed, ++offset);

// Generate a light random color
Color color = randomColor(seed, ++offset, 0.5);

// Generate a dark random color
Color color = randomColor(seed, ++offset, -0.5);
seed The seed to base the random number geration on.
offset The offset to use in the random number sequence.
gammaAdjustment A gamma adjustment to offset the range of the generated color.


RGBA Math_min ( in RGBA val1, in RGBA val2 )

Returns the minimum of two RGBA values


RGBA Math_max ( in RGBA val1, in RGBA val2 )

Returns the minimum of two RGBA values


Vec3_i Math_clamp ( in Vec3_i val, in Scalar minval, in Scalar maxval )

Clamps a Vec3_i value by min and max


Color mathRandomColor ( in Size seed, in Size index, in Float32 min, in Float32 max )