

Ray (struct)

The Ray type represents linear 3D ray. This is expressed by a start and direction Vec3

** Example: Ray

Ray ray(Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), Vec3(0.1, -1.0, 0.4));


Vec3 start  
Vec3 direction  


  Ray ( in Ray other )
  Ray ( in Vec3 start, in Vec3 direction )
  Ray ()
Ray clone ? ()
Scalar distanceToPoint ? ( in Vec3 point, out Scalar rayParam )
UInt32 hash ? ()
Boolean intersectBoundingBox ? ( in Box3 box3 )
Vec2 intersectLine ? ( in Vec3 lineP0, in Vec3 lineP1 )
Boolean intersectLineSegment ? ( in Vec3 lineP0, in Vec3 lineP1, out Scalar dist, out Scalar rayParam, out Scalar segmentParam )
Scalar intersectPlane ? ( in Vec3 planePoint, in Vec3 planeNormal )
Vec3 intersectPlaneVec3 ? ( in Vec3 planePoint, in Vec3 planeNormal )
Boolean intersectTriangle ? ( in Boolean cull, in Boolean bidirectional, in Vec3 v0, in Vec3 v1, in Vec3 v2, out Vec3 point, out Scalar dist, out Scalar u, out Scalar v )
Vec3 pointFromFactor ? ( in Scalar factor )
  set ! ( in Vec3 start, in Vec3 direction )



twoPlaneIntersection ( in Vec3 plane1Point, in Vec3 plane1Normal, in Vec3 plane2Point, in Vec3 plane2Normal, io Vec3 linePoint, io Vec3 lineVector )

Computes the intersection point of two planes. The planes are each defined as a point and a normal. Returns the intersection point. linePoint will be set to plane1Point.


If lineVector is :ref:`Vec3 <vec3>`() it means that the planes are either intersecting nowhere or everywhere. In this case

plane1Point The first plane’s position
plane1Normal The first plane’s normal (must be a unit in length)
plane2Point The second plane’s position
plane2Normal The second plane’s normal (must be a unit in length)
linePoint The intersection point of the 2 planes.
lineVector The intersection vector of the 2 planes.