

Vec3_cd (struct)

The Vec3_cd type represents a vector with 3 components. The Vec3_cd is also used as the row type for the Mat33.


Vec3_cd utilizes the KL ベクタ関数


Vec2, Vec4, Xfo

** Example: Vec3_cd

Vec3_cd v(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);


Complex_d x  
Complex_d y  
Complex_d z  


  Vec3_cd ( in Complex_d value )
  Vec3_cd ( in Complex_d x, in Complex_d y, in Complex_d z )
  Vec3_cd ( in Vec3_cd other )
  Vec3_cd ()
Vec3_cd add ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
Boolean almostEqual ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
Boolean almostEqual ? ( in Vec3_cd other, in Float32 precision )
Vec3_cd clone ? ()
Complex_d component ? ( in Size i )
Vec3_cd cross ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
Complex_d distanceTo ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
Vec3_cd divide ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
Vec3_cd divideComplex_d ? ( in Complex_d other )
Complex_d dot ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
Boolean equal ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
UInt32 hash ? ()
Vec3_cd inverse ? ()
Complex_d length ? ()
Complex_d lengthSquared ? ()
Vec3_cd linearInterpolate ? ( in Vec3_cd other, in Complex_d t )
Vec3_cd multiply ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
Vec3_cd multiplyComplex_d ? ( in Complex_d other )
Vec3_cd negate ? ()
  normalize ! ()
Vec3_cd safeInverse ? ()
  set ! ( in Complex_d value )
  set ! ( in Complex_d x, in Complex_d y, in Complex_d z )
  setComponent ! ( in Size i, in Complex_d v )
  setNull ! ()
Complex_d setUnit ! ()
Vec3_cd subtract ? ( in Vec3_cd other )
Vec3_cd unit ? ()
Vec3_cd unit_safe ? ()


  - Vec3_cd
Vec3_cd = ( Param other )