FlagAndIndex (struct)¶
Simple structure that stores a flag and a 31-bit index into a UInt32 value.
FlagAndIndex ( in FlagAndIndex other ) | |
FlagAndIndex () | |
clearFlag ! () | |
FlagAndIndex | clone ? () |
get ? ( io Boolean flag, io UInt32 index ) | |
Boolean | getFlag ? () |
UInt32 | getIndex ? () |
getMaybeInvalidIndex ? ( io Boolean flag, io UInt32 index ) | |
UInt32 | getMaybeInvalidIndex ? () |
Boolean | getThenClearFlag ! () |
Boolean | getThenSetFlag ! () |
Boolean | isInvalidIndex ? () |
UInt32 | set ! ( in Boolean flag, in UInt32 index ) |
setFlag ! () | |
UInt32 | setIndex ! ( in UInt32 index ) |
Boolean getFlag ( in UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )
returns true if a given UInt8 flag is part of the UInt8 bit mask
Boolean getThenSetFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )
sets a given UInt16 flag as part of the UInt16 bit mask and returns the previous value
Boolean getThenClearFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )
removes a given UInt32 flag as part of the UInt32 bit mask and returns the previous value
Boolean getFlag ( in UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )
returns true if a given UInt8 flag is part of the UInt8 bit mask
Boolean getThenSetFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )
sets a given UInt16 flag as part of the UInt16 bit mask and returns the previous value
Boolean getThenClearFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )
removes a given UInt32 flag as part of the UInt32 bit mask and returns the previous value
Boolean getFlag ( in UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )
returns true if a given UInt8 flag is part of the UInt8 bit mask
Boolean getThenSetFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )
sets a given UInt16 flag as part of the UInt16 bit mask and returns the previous value
Boolean getThenClearFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )
removes a given UInt32 flag as part of the UInt32 bit mask and returns the previous value
swap ( io LocalL16UInt64Array first, io LocalL16UInt64Array second )
swaps one LocalL16UInt64Array with another one
UInt8 Log2RoundUp ( in UInt32 value )
performs a logarithmic round up for the provided value
Boolean getBit ( in UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )
returns true if a given UInt64 flag is part of the UInt64 bit mask
atomicSetBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )
sets a certain bit of a given UInt32 value
Boolean getThenSetBit ( io UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )
first gets and then sets a bit of a UInt64 value
atomicClearBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )
sets a bit to 0 for a given UInt32 value
Boolean getThenClearBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )
first gets and then clears a bit of a given UInt32 value
atomicSetBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )
sets a certain bit of a given UInt32 value
Boolean getThenSetBit ( io UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )
first gets and then sets a bit of a UInt64 value
Boolean getBit ( in UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )
returns true if a given UInt64 flag is part of the UInt64 bit mask
Boolean getThenSetBit ( io UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )
first gets and then sets a bit of a UInt64 value