.. _canvas-user-guide-configfiles: Configuration Files ===================== Most of the options in the UI are gathered in a config file, which is located in :file:`Resources/default.config.json`. This is a JSON file which looks like this : .. code-block:: javascript { "GraphView" : { "mainPanelBackgroundColor" : { "r" : 55, "g" : 55, "b" : 75 }, "nodeDefaultColor" : { "r" : 175, "g" : 120, "b" : 120 }, "nodeCornerRadius" : 12.0, "nodeFont" : { "family" : "Verdana", "pointSize" : 16, "weight" : 75 }, "pinFont" : { "family" : "Verdana", "pointSize" : 8, "weight" : 50, "pointSizeF" : 8.0, "styleHint" : 5, "hintingPreference" : 3 }, "middleClickDeletesConnections" : true } } The options can be modified there, or in the file :file:`Resources/user.config.json` (empty by default). The values added to the `user` config will override the values of the `default` config.