.. _canvas-user-guide-shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts =============================== .. note:: On macOS, users will use the command key instead of the control key. Canvas ---------------------- **1** Show no ports on selected nodes. **2** Show only connected ports on selected nodes. **3** Show all ports on selected nodes. **Tab** Quick node creation search dialog. **CTRL+** Pressing the CTRL key while choosing a menu item in the context menu (e.g. "New empty graph", "New backdrop", "Implode nodes") will omit prompting the user for a name, instead the node is created using a default name. **CTRL+A** Select all nodes. **CTRL+D** Deselect all nodes. **CTRL+Z** Undo. **CTRL+Y** Redo. **CTRL+X** Cut selected nodes. **CTRL+C** Copy selected nodes. **CTRL+V** Paste **CTRL+R** Rearranges with an automatic layout will be applied to all the nodes at the left of the current selected node. **Middle mouse button or Alt + left mouse button** Pan graph. **Alt + right mouse button** Zoom in/out graph. **Mouse Wheel** Zoom in/out graph. **A** Frame all nodes. **F** Frame selected nodes. **Z** Zoom functionality: pressing and holding 'Z' will frame all nodes. When releasing 'Z' the view will move to wherever the mouse was hovering over. Use this feature to make connections to off-screen nodes or to quickly navigate through the graph. **C** Auto connect the selected node(s). **D** Remove connections to the selected node(s) or, if hovering over a connection, removes the connection. **U** Go up one level when inside a preset or node. **F2** Node properties dialog. **Double click** Inspect selected node. **I or Shift double click** Edit selected node. **Backspace/Del** Delete selected nodes. **Shift left click + drag on a node** It will move the selected node and all its upstream nodes. **Left click on port and drag to another port** Create a connection between two ports. **Shift left click on port and drag to another port** Create a connection between two ports. After the connection has been made the source port remains selected for creating a further connection. **CTRL left click on port and drag to another port** Create a connection between two ports. After the connection has been made the source port jumps to the next available port and a new connection can be made. **CTRL+Shift+Return** Enables/disables the graph compilations. Fabric Standalone ---------------------- **CTRL+N** Create a new, empty graph. **CTRL+O** Load an existing graph from disk. **CTRL+S** Save the current graph to disk. **Alt+F4** Quit Fabric Standalone. **Q** Toggle Manipulation. **G** Display the Grid in the 3D viewport. **CTRL+0** Reset the Canvas zoom to 100% **CTRL+1** Show/hide the Canvas Graph. **CTRL+2** Show/hide the Explorer. **CTRL+3** Show/hide the Value Editor. **CTRL+4** Show/hide the TimeLine. **CTRL+5** Show/hide the undo/redo History. **CTRL+6** Show/hide the Log Messages. **CTRL+7** Show/hide the Script Editor. **Alt + left mouse button** Orbit camera. **Alt + middle mouse button** Pan camera. **Alt + right mouse button** Dolly camera. **Mouse wheel** Dolly camera. **R** Reset Camera.