.. _SPLICEAPIWORKSHOP: Fabric Splice API Workshop ======================================= .. image:: /images/Splice/Splice_logo.png :width: 360px :height: 57px | Splice version |FABRIC_VERSION| | |FABRIC_COPYRIGHT| Description -------------------------- This workshop covers the Splice API (including the Core API). You'll learn how you can use the power of KL in your own C/C++ applications, and how to integrate Splice into other (yet unsupported) host applications. This workshop targets the C/C++ programmer type and RnD departments. You can find all of the videos embedded below in the `Fabric Engine Workshop Channel on Vimeo `_. `All workshop videos are available for download as well. `_ .. note:: With version 1.10.1 of the API the FabricSplice::addRTFolder function has been deprecated. Material -------------------------- Workshop files |FABRIC_GITHUB_TRAININGMATERIAL_URL| PDF Presentation :download:`Splice API ` 01 - Introduction ------------------------ This video provides a general overview of the Splice API and how you deploy the libraries on your machine. .. raw:: html
02 - Scons ------------------------ In this section we learn how to use the SCons build system to build executable tools using the Splice API. .. raw:: html
03 - Hello World ------------------------ In this section we implement our very first Splice API based application, a "Hello World" sample. This deploys KL withing C/C++ and includes the complete LLVM toolchain. .. raw:: html
04 - Logging Callbacks ------------------------ In this section we learn how to set callbacks for any log output, including std::out as well as error messages. .. raw:: html
05 - KL Types ------------------------ In this section we cover how to use custom KL types, how to load them and how to even programmatically create them using C/C++. .. raw:: html
06 - Ports ------------------------ This video covers the DGPort and how to read / write data with Splice. We also cover advanced high performance IO on ports for moving large amounts of data. .. raw:: html
07 - RTVals ------------------------ This section covers RTVals and how you can use KL types directly within C/C++, how you can call methods on them. We'll learn how to deploy RTVals without using any graph. .. raw:: html
08 - Subgraphs ------------------------ This video covers subgraphs with the Splice API. PLEASE NOTE THAT SUBGRAPHS MIGHT BE CHANGED / REMOVED in the release of 1.10.0. .. raw:: html
09 - Persistence ------------------------ In this section we learn how to save Splice tools to a file and how to load it again. This section is essential for building portable tools. .. raw:: html
10 - KL Parser ------------------------ This video covers the KLParser. We learn how to parse KL code for contents, and how it can be deployed to build code completion tools. .. raw:: html
Indices and Tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`