.. _fbx_extension: Fbx Extension ==================================================================================== .. image:: /images/FE_logo_345_60.* :width: 345px :height: 60px | |FABRIC_PRODUCT_NAME| version |FABRIC_VERSION| | |FABRIC_COPYRIGHT| The Fbx extension provides tools for opening and loading fbx file. Unlike the :ref:`Alembic` and :ref:`Bullet` extensions the Fbx extension is not a wrapping of the Fbx API. Work is scheduled for a future release to reimpliment the Fbx extension as a direct mapping of the Fbx API. The exposed API is a higher level API giving a more restricted access to the Fbx data. The Fbx extension is often used with characters, and so the extension provides data structures for managing the importing of characters. Furethemore it provides some higher level objects for managing the loading of character definitions from Fbx files. Table of Contents ----------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 files types functions constants Indices and Tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`