ClipPose (object)¶
A pose driven by a clip.
The ClipPose, based on the regular Pose, computes the bone transforms by retrieving animation data from a references Clip. The Clip is evaluated, giving a ClipValues data structure, that can then be queried by the pose as it lazily builds the global space transforms.
** Example: clipPose.kl
require Characters;
operator entry(){
// Generate a skeleton made of a single bone chain.
Bone bones[];
Xfo parentXfo();
UInt32 seed = 9876;
UInt32 offset = 0;
for(Integer i=0; i<bones.size(); i++) {
Bone bone; = "Bone"+i;
bone.parentIndex = i-1;
// compute the angles
Scalar random = 0.5 - mathRandomScalar(seed, ++offset);
Scalar xAngle = sin(random * 0.4 + Scalar(i) * 0.03) * 0.5;
Scalar zAngle = cos(0.11 + Scalar(i) * 0.01) * 0.1;
Scalar boneLength = 5.0;
Xfo xfo; = Vec3(boneLength, 0.0, 0.0);
xfo.ori.setFromEulerAngles(Vec3(xAngle, 0.0f, zAngle));
bone.referencePose = parentXfo * xfo;
bone.length = boneLength;
bone.radius = 1.0;
bones[i] = bone;
parentXfo = bone.referencePose;
Skeleton skeleton = Skeleton("", bones);
Character character('Clip');
// Generate a clip for the skeleton.
Clip clip('MyClip');
seed = 5467;
offset = 0;
for(Integer i=0; i<bones.size(); i++) {
Xfo localXfo = skeleton.getReferenceLocalPose(i);
KeyframeTrackSet trackSet = null;
trackSet = KeyframeTrackSet(skeleton.getBone(i).name, localXfo.ori, TRACKSETFLAG_EULERANGLES_TRACKS);
String trackNames[] = trackSet.getTrackNames();
for(Integer j=0; j<trackNames.size(); j++) {
KeyframeTrack track = trackSet.getTrack(trackNames[j]);
track.addKey(Keyframe(0.0, 0.0, Vec2(0.0, 0.0), Vec2(0.333, 0.0)));
track.addKey(Keyframe(2.0, mathRandomScalar(seed, ++offset), Vec2(-0.5, 25.0), Vec2(0.5, 25.0)));
track.addKey(Keyframe(4.0, 0.0, Vec2(-0.333, 0.0), Vec2(0.333, 0.0)));
// /create a pose for the skeleton based on the clip
ClipPose clipPose(skeleton, clip);
for(Integer i=0; i<bones.size(); i++) {
report("Pose:" + skeleton.getBone(i).name + " :" + clipPose.getBoneXfo(i));
** Output:
Pose:Bone0 :{ori:{v:{x:+2.568705e-2,y:-1.277642e-3,z:+0.04966},w:+0.998435},tr:{x:+5.0,y:+0.0,z:+0.0},sc:{x:+1.0,y:+1.0,z:+1.0}}
Pose:Bone1 :{ori:{v:{x:+2.442186e-2,y:-2.550726e-3,z:+0.099142},w:+0.99477},tr:{x:+9.975325,y:+0.495504,z:+2.551286e-2},sc:{x:+1.0,y:+1.0,z:+1.0}}
Pose:Bone2 :{ori:{v:{x:+0.077133,y:-1.118197e-3,z:+0.148181},w:+0.985947},tr:{x:+14.87697,y:+1.481117,z:+0.075099},sc:{x:+1.0,y:+1.0,z:+1.0}}
Pose:Bone3 :{ori:{v:{x:+0.120761,y:-0.544071e-3,z:+0.196483},w:+0.973041},tr:{x:+19.65738,y:+2.941245,z:+0.20042},sc:{x:+1.0,y:+1.0,z:+1.0}}
Pose:Bone4 :{ori:{v:{x:+0.137246,y:-0.399326e-2,z:+0.244201},w:+0.959954},tr:{x:+24.27132,y:+4.852451,z:+0.442991},sc:{x:+1.0,y:+1.0,z:+1.0}}
Skeleton | skeleton | The skeleton that this pose is based on. |
Xfo[] | xfos | The model space transforms for each bone in the skeleton |
Boolean[] | valid | A flag for each item in the array above indicating that the Xfo has been computed. |
UInt64 | version | The intenral version counter |
IClip | clip | |
Integer[][] | keyIndices | |
Scalar | timeCache | |
Boolean | initialized | |
IClipValues | clipValues | |
Float32 | scaleFactor |
ClipPose ( in ClipPose other ) | |
ClipPose ( in Skeleton skeleton, in IClip clip ) | |
ClipPose ( in Skeleton skeleton, in IClip clip, in Float32 scaleFactor ) | |
ClipPose () | |
ClipPose | clone ? () |
evaluate ! ( in Scalar time ) | |
Xfo | getBoneXfo ! ( in Index index ) |
IClip | getClip ? () |
String | getDesc ? ( in String indent, in Boolean includeClip ) |
String | getDesc ? () |
reset ! () | |
setClip ! ( in IClip clip ) |
Methods in detail¶
ClipPose ( in ClipPose other )
copy constructor
ClipPose ( in Skeleton skeleton, in IClip clip )
standard constructor taking a skeleton and a clip.
ClipPose ( in Skeleton skeleton, in IClip clip, in Float32 scaleFactor )
standard constructor taking a skeleton and a clip.
ClipPose ()
default constructor
clone method
ClipPose.evaluate! ( in Scalar time )
Evaluates the stored clip at the given time.
Xfo ClipPose.getBoneXfo! ( in Index index )
Get the pose of a bone in the skeleton using its index.
Lazily computes the pose if the cache is not valid.
Returns the clip to used to drive the animation of this pose.
String ClipPose.getDesc? ( in String indent, in Boolean includeClip )
Generates a Description string of this pose.
indent | The indentation to use when generating the string. |
Generates a Description string of this Pose.
ClipPose.reset! ()
Reset the pose to be recomputed.
ClipPose.setClip! ( in IClip clip )
Sets the clip to be used to drive the animation of this pose.