Event (interface)

Event Event Event BaseEvent BaseEvent BaseEvent->Event KeyEvent KeyEvent KeyEvent->BaseEvent MouseEvent MouseEvent MouseEvent->BaseEvent MouseWheelEvent MouseWheelEvent MouseWheelEvent->BaseEvent


  accept ! ()
EventType eventType ? ()
Host getHost ? ()
ModiferKey getModifiers ? ()
Viewport_Virtual getViewport ? ()
  ignore ! ()
Boolean isAccepted ? ()
  setAccepted ! ( in Boolean accepted )
  setViewport ! ( in Viewport_Virtual viewport )

Functions in detail

Event.accept! ()

Sets the accept flag of the event object. The equivalent of calling setAccepted(true).

EventType Event.eventType? ()

Gets the event type The list of supported Ids are defined in EventsConstants.kl.

Host Event.getHost? ()

Gets the DCC host (‘Maya’, ‘Softimage’, ‘3dsMax’ etc).

ModiferKey Event.getModifiers? ()

Gets the event ModiferKey The list of supported ModiferKey are defined in EventsConstants.kl.

Viewport_Virtual Event.getViewport? ()

Gets the viewport form where the event has been emitted.

Event.ignore! ()

Clears the accept flag parameter of the event object. It’s the equivalent of calling setAccepted(false).

Boolean Event.isAccepted? ()

Checks if the event has been accepted by the active handler. The host application should then not propagate the event to other handlers.

Event.setAccepted! ( in Boolean accepted )

Indicates that the event has been used by an handler.

accepted The boolean to accept or not the event

Event.setViewport! ( in Viewport_Virtual viewport )

Sets the viewport, used when overide a render with another.

viewport A Viewport_Virtual.