GizmoManipulationCallback (interface)

バージョン 1.12.0 で追加.

Object supporting the GizmoManipulationCallback interface is used by the GizmoHandlers to apply the manipulation data to the scene.

GizmoManipulationCallback GizmoManipulationCallback GizmoManipulationCallback TransformManipulationCallback TransformManipulationCallback TransformManipulationCallback->GizmoManipulationCallback


  onDrag ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent, in Xfo space, in Xfo delta, in UInt32 flags )
  onDragBegin ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  onDragEnd ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Functions in detail

GizmoManipulationCallback.onDrag! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent, in Xfo space, in Xfo delta, in UInt32 flags )

Invoked during a drag on a gizmo.

mouseEvent The mouse move events received between onDragBegin and onDragEnd
space The coordinate space defined by the gizmo that was used to compute the delta.
delta The delta in the coordinate space provided
flags flags used to filter the element of the transform being modified.

GizmoManipulationCallback.onDragBegin! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Invoked by the GizmoHandler when the mouse drag is starting

mouseEvent The event passed in is the mouse down event.

GizmoManipulationCallback.onDragEnd! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Invoked by the GizmoHandler when the mouse drag is ending

mouseEvent The event passed in is the mouse up event.