SRTTool (interface)

バージョン 2.0.1 で追加.

BaseSRTTool is a based class for any SRTTool. It defines a manipulable tool (translation, rotation and scaling) that is used to manipulate scene’s objects. Any new SRT tools should derived from this class. This class manages a complete manipulation, except its drawing that depends of the engine.


BaseTool, SRTTarget.

SRTTool SRTTool SRTTool BaseSRTTool BaseSRTTool BaseSRTTool->SRTTool


Ray castRay ? ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  transformChanged ! ( in Mat44 transform )

Functions in detail

Ray SRTTool.castRay? ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Casts a ray in the scene. The ray is then used to know which axis (x, y, z) has been selected.

mouseEvent The mousevent event when the user clicks in the viewport

SRTTool.transformChanged! ( in Mat44 transform )

Computes the tool’s new value while manipulating it.

transform The new tranform