Manipulation Extension’s Free Functions

EventDispatcher EventDispatcher_GetInstance ()

Get the EventDispatcher singleton, or construct it if it didn’t already exist.

CmdManager GetOrCreateCmdManager ()

Gets the CmdManager singleton, or constructs it if it didn’t exist.

GetOrCreateDFGSRTTarget ( io SRTTarget target, in String portName, in Mat44 transformInit )

DFG helper, gets or creates a DFGSRTTarget.

target Tool target.
portName Name of the May44 input port to drive.
transformInit Initial trasnform, set from the port.

GetOrCreateDFGSliderTarget ( io SliderTarget target, in String portName, in Float32 valueInit )

DFG helper, gets or creates a DFGSliderTarget.

target Tool target.
portName Name of the May44 input port to drive.
transformInit Initial trasnform, set from the port.