Tool (interface)

Tool Tool Tool BaseTool BaseTool BaseTool->Tool BasePaintTool BasePaintTool BasePaintTool->BaseTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool->BasePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool->BasePaintTool BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool->BasePaintTool BaseSRTTool BaseSRTTool BaseSRTTool->BaseTool BaseSliderTool BaseSliderTool BaseSliderTool->BaseTool CameraTool CameraTool CameraTool->BaseTool


  activate ! ()
  deActivate ! ()
Ref<ToolTarget> getTarget ? ()
  hide ! ()
  move ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  press ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  release ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  setTarget ! ( in ToolTarget target )
  show ! ()
  updateFromTarget ! ()

Functions in detail

Tool.activate! ()

Activates the tool, or a specific axis. This method is called when the user click or pass on the tool in the scene. It can be used to highlight the gizmo for example.

Tool.deActivate! ()

Deactivates the tool. The tool can peform cleanpup if needed.

Ref<ToolTarget> Tool.getTarget? ()

Returns a reference to the target.

Tool.hide! ()

Hides the tool.

Tool.move! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Performs the tool manipulation.

mouseEvent The event.! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Begins the tool manipulation. Used to select the tool (or a specific axis) that we want to drag.

mouseEvent The event.

Tool.release! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Ends the tool manipulation.

mouseEvent The event.

Tool.setTarget! ( in ToolTarget target )

Sets the tool target.

target The target.! ()

Shows the tool.

Tool.updateFromTarget! ()

Updates the tool from it’s target. Called when the selection changed.