BaseSculptTool (object)

バージョン 2.0 で追加.

BaseSculptTool is a based class for sculpting tools.


This is a work in progress, needs to be generalized to abstract the type of attribute being painted.



BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool BasePaintTool BasePaintTool BaseSculptTool->BasePaintTool BaseTool BaseTool BasePaintTool->BaseTool PaintTool PaintTool BasePaintTool->PaintTool BaseHandler BaseHandler BaseTool->BaseHandler Tool Tool BaseTool->Tool EventHandler EventHandler BaseHandler->EventHandler


Boolean enabled Handler is enabled.
Key enableKey Enable key.
HandlerExclusivity handlerExclusivity Handler exclusivity.
Boolean isIndependent HandlerExclusivity local override.
Boolean takeAllEvents It true, the handler takes all the events.
Boolean alwaysEnabled It true, the handler takes all the events.
Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher Checks if the handler is owned by a handlerDispatcher. In most of the cases, the dispatcher owns the handlers. However, it’s not true in DFG graphs where the handlers are owns by the nodes.
Ref<HandlerDispatcher> dispatcher Reference to the dispatcher.
ToolTarget target Tool target.
Boolean performing True if the tool is performing an action.
ManipulationMode mode Paint mode, see ToolConstants.kl.
Mat44 transform Transform (SRT).
Mat44 currentGeometryTransform Since we paint in local space, the brush should be drawn in local geometry scaling space.
Float32 radius Slider radius.
String attributeName Color blend geometry attributes.
PaintToolAttributeStrokeData attributeStack Stack attributes, for undo-redo.
IndexSet tempPointSet Temporary buffer for holding the filtered point set.
GeometryAttribute tempAttribute Temporary buffer for smoothing.
Key resetKey Reset the painting, i.e the geometry attributes.
Vec3 initialAxis Tool initial direction.
Float32 strength Strength of the sculpt. The more it’s high, the more the mesh is deformed.


  BaseSculptTool ( in BaseSculptTool other )
  BaseSculptTool ()
BaseSculptTool clone ? ()
Vec3 computeDisplacementDir ? ( in Ref<PolygonMesh> mesh )
  ensureAttributeExists ! ( io Ref<Geometry> geometry, in Boolean resetValues )
Float32 getStrength ? ()
  init ! ( in BasePaintTarget target, in Key enableKey, in Key resetKey, in Float32 initialRadius, in Float32 initialStrength )
  paintPolygons ! ( io Ref<PolygonMesh> mesh, in GeometryLocation location )
  release ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  setPointAttribute ! ( in Index i, in Float32 weight, in Vec3 displacementDir, io Ref<PolygonMesh> mesh )
  setStrength ! ( in Float32 strength )
  smoothPointAttribute ! ( in Index i, in Float32 weight, in Vec3 displacementDir, io Ref<PolygonMesh> mesh )

Methods in detail

BaseSculptTool ( in BaseSculptTool other )

copy constructor

BaseSculptTool ()

default constructor

BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool.clone? ()

clone method

Vec3 BaseSculptTool.computeDisplacementDir? ( in Ref<PolygonMesh> mesh )

Implementation of PaintTool.

BaseSculptTool.ensureAttributeExists! ( io Ref<Geometry> geometry, in Boolean resetValues )

Implementation of PaintTool.

Float32 BaseSculptTool.getStrength? ()

Gets the sculpt strength.

BaseSculptTool.init! ( in BasePaintTarget target, in Key enableKey, in Key resetKey, in Float32 initialRadius, in Float32 initialStrength )

Initializes a BaseSculptTool.

target Tool target.
enableKey Key to enable to tool.
resetKey Key to reset the painting.
initialRadius Initial sculpt-tool radius.
initialStrength Initial sculpt-tool strength.

BaseSculptTool.paintPolygons! ( io Ref<PolygonMesh> mesh, in GeometryLocation location )

Implementation of PaintTool.

BaseSculptTool.release! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Implementation of Tool.

BaseSculptTool.setPointAttribute! ( in Index i, in Float32 weight, in Vec3 displacementDir, io Ref<PolygonMesh> mesh )

Implementation of PaintTool.

BaseSculptTool.setStrength! ( in Float32 strength )

Sets the sculpt strength.

strength The tool new strengh.

BaseSculptTool.smoothPointAttribute! ( in Index i, in Float32 weight, in Vec3 displacementDir, io Ref<PolygonMesh> mesh )

Implementation of PaintTool.