HandlerDispatcher (interface)

バージョン 2.0.1 で追加.

HandlerDispatcher interface declares the methods to manages several handlers and to create a manipulation tree. In the manipulation tree, dispatchers are the nodes used to organize the manipulation system and propagate the events througt it.

HandlerDispatcher HandlerDispatcher HandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher->HandlerDispatcher BaseToolDispatcher BaseToolDispatcher BaseToolDispatcher->BaseHandlerDispatcher RootDispatcher RootDispatcher RootDispatcher->BaseHandlerDispatcher


  activateDispatcher ! ( in Key key, io Boolean isAccepted )
  activateHandlers ! ( io Key key, io Boolean switchDisableNone, io Boolean switchDisableOthers, io Boolean switchDisableAll, io Boolean isAccepted )
Ref<EventHandler> getActiveHandler ? ()
String getHandlerName ? ( in Ref<EventHandler> handler )
Boolean hasHandler ? ( in String name )
  processKeyEvent ! ( io Event event )
  processMouseEvent ! ( io Event event )
  registerHandler ! ( in String name, io Ref<EventHandler> handler )
  sceneChanged ! ()
  setActiveHandler ! ( in Ref<EventHandler> handler )
  setActiveHandler ! ( in String name )
  unregisterHandler ! ( in Ref<EventHandler> handler )
  unregisterHandler ! ( in String name )

Functions in detail

HandlerDispatcher.activateDispatcher! ( in Key key, io Boolean isAccepted )

Activates a specific dispatcher within the manipulation tree and its parents and children dispatcher. Must be called from the manipualtion-tree root dispatcher.


This is applied to the manipulation tree leaves, e.g. the tools.

keyEvent A key event.
isAccepted Is true if an handler has been activated/deactived.

HandlerDispatcher.activateHandlers! ( io Key key, io Boolean switchDisableNone, io Boolean switchDisableOthers, io Boolean switchDisableAll, io Boolean isAccepted )

Activates one or several handlers within this dispatcher stack. Recursive call that visit the whole manipulation tree. Must be called from the manipualtion-tree root dispatcher.


This is applied to the manipulation tree leaves, e.g. the tools.

key A enable key-stroke.
switchDisableNone Is true if the activated handler has switchDisableNone exclusivity.
switchDisableOthers Is true if the activated handler has switchDisableOthers exclusivity.
switchDisableAll Is true if the activated handler has switchDisableAll exclusivity.
isAccepted Is true if an handler has been activated/deactived.

Ref<EventHandler> HandlerDispatcher.getActiveHandler? ()

Gets a reference to the current handler.

String HandlerDispatcher.getHandlerName? ( in Ref<EventHandler> handler )

Gets the handler’s name.

handler A reference to an handler.

Boolean HandlerDispatcher.hasHandler? ( in String name )

Gets true if a handler with the given name has been registered.

name Handler’s name.

HandlerDispatcher.processKeyEvent! ( io Event event )

Process a key event + manages tool switching.

event A key event.

HandlerDispatcher.processMouseEvent! ( io Event event )

Process a mouse event.

event A mouse or mouseWheel event.

HandlerDispatcher.registerHandler! ( in String name, io Ref<EventHandler> handler )

Registers a new handler with a given name.

name The name to register the handler with.
handler The handler to register.

HandlerDispatcher.sceneChanged! ()

Updates the manipulation-tree as the scene might have changed.

HandlerDispatcher.setActiveHandler! ( in Ref<EventHandler> handler )

Activates a specific handler in the stack. It will receive the events.

handler A reference to an handler.

HandlerDispatcher.setActiveHandler! ( in String name )

Activates a specific handler in the stack. It will receive the events.

The name of the handler.

HandlerDispatcher.unregisterHandler! ( in Ref<EventHandler> handler )

Unregisters an existing handler.

A reference to the handler.

HandlerDispatcher.unregisterHandler! ( in String name )

Unregisters an existing handler.

The name of the handler.