RootDispatcher (object)

RootDispatcher RootDispatcher RootDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher RootDispatcher->BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseHandler BaseHandler BaseHandlerDispatcher->BaseHandler HandlerDispatcher HandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher->HandlerDispatcher EventHandler EventHandler BaseHandler->EventHandler


Boolean enabled Handler is enabled.
Key enableKey Enable key.
HandlerExclusivity handlerExclusivity Handler exclusivity.
Boolean isIndependent HandlerExclusivity local override.
Boolean takeAllEvents It true, the handler takes all the events.
Boolean alwaysEnabled It true, the handler takes all the events.
Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher Checks if the handler is owned by a handlerDispatcher. In most of the cases, the dispatcher owns the handlers. However, it’s not true in DFG graphs where the handlers are owns by the nodes.
Ref<HandlerDispatcher> dispatcher Reference to the dispatcher.
Ref<BaseHandler>[String] handlers Dictionary of reference to all the registered handlers.
BaseHandler[String] ownedHandlers Dictionary of owned handlers.
CameraTool cameraTool Camera.
SelectionTool selectionTool SelectionTool (only one per application).
Boolean sharedObjectSelectionEnabled If true, select all the shared reference of the selected object.


  RootDispatcher ( in Boolean enableCamera )
  RootDispatcher ( in RootDispatcher other )
  RootDispatcher ()
RootDispatcher clone ? ()
HandlerDescription getDescription ? ()
Ref<SelectionTool> getSelectionTool ? ()
Ref<ToolDispatcher> getToolDispatcher ? ()
  onEvent ! ( io BaseEvent baseEvent, in Boolean dragging )
  setSelectionTool ! ( in SelectionTool selectionTool )
  setToolDispatcher ! ( in ToolDispatcher toolDispatcher )

Methods in detail

RootDispatcher ( in Boolean enableCamera )

Initializes a RootDispatcher.

selectionTool Reference to the SelectionTool.
enableKey Key that enables/disables the dispatcher.

RootDispatcher ( in RootDispatcher other )

copy constructor

RootDispatcher ()

default constructor

RootDispatcher RootDispatcher.clone? ()

clone method

HandlerDescription RootDispatcher.getDescription? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

Ref<SelectionTool> RootDispatcher.getSelectionTool? ()

Gets a reference to the SelectionTool.

Ref<ToolDispatcher> RootDispatcher.getToolDispatcher? ()

Gets a reference to the toolDispatcher.

RootDispatcher.onEvent! ( io BaseEvent baseEvent, in Boolean dragging )

Implementation of EventHandler. Else, the toolDispatcher (if set) takes the events. Finally, the selection.

RootDispatcher.setSelectionTool! ( in SelectionTool selectionTool )

Sets the selection tool.

RootDispatcher.setToolDispatcher! ( in ToolDispatcher toolDispatcher )

Sets the toolDispatcher.