CameraTool (object)

バージョン 2.0.1 で追加.

CameraTool provides camera manpulations services for the Camera interface. The CameraTool can only be used with standalone application, not from within DCC integrations.

Usage: - Click the Left mouse button and drag with the mouse to cause camera orbiting. - Click the Middle mouse button and drag with the mouse to cause camera panning. - Click the Left mouse button, the Alt key, and drag with the mouse to cause camera dollying. - Use the mouse wheel to cause camera dollying.

CameraTool CameraTool CameraTool BaseTool BaseTool CameraTool->BaseTool BaseHandler BaseHandler BaseTool->BaseHandler Tool Tool BaseTool->Tool EventHandler EventHandler BaseHandler->EventHandler


Boolean enabled Handler is enabled.
Key enableKey Enable key.
HandlerExclusivity handlerExclusivity Handler exclusivity.
Boolean isIndependent HandlerExclusivity local override.
Boolean takeAllEvents It true, the handler takes all the events.
Boolean alwaysEnabled It true, the handler takes all the events.
Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher Checks if the handler is owned by a handlerDispatcher. In most of the cases, the dispatcher owns the handlers. However, it’s not true in DFG graphs where the handlers are owns by the nodes.
Ref<HandlerDispatcher> dispatcher Reference to the dispatcher.
ToolTarget target Tool target.
Boolean performing True if the tool is performing an action.
ManipulationMode mode Orbit, pan or dolly mode.
Vec2 prevMousePos Previous mouse position during a mouse drag.
Scalar orbitRate Rate at which the mouse drag correlates to orbit velocity of the camera.
Scalar mouseWheelDollySpeed Factor at which mouse wheel actions are converted to dolly motion.
Float32 moveSpeed Scale factor for the camera translation speed
Float32 turnSpeed Scale factor for the camera orbit speed


  CameraTool ( in CameraTool other )
  CameraTool ( in Key enableKey )
  CameraTool ()
CameraTool clone ? ()
  dolly ! ( in Scalar delta, io Camera camera )
  init ! ( in Key enableKey, in Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher )
  onEvent ! ( io Event event )
  orbit ! ( in Vec2 mouseDelta, io Camera camera )
  pan ! ( in Vec2 mouseDelta, in Viewport_Virtual viewport, io Camera camera )

Methods in detail

CameraTool ( in CameraTool other )

copy constructor

CameraTool ( in Key enableKey )


enableKey Enabled key stroke.

CameraTool ()

Default constructor.

CameraTool CameraTool.clone? ()

clone method

CameraTool.dolly! ( in Scalar delta, io Camera camera )

Camera dolly.

delta Value of the dolly
camera The camera.

CameraTool.init! ( in Key enableKey, in Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher )

Initializes a CameraTool.

enableKey Enabled key stroke.
isOwnedByDispatcher If true, owned by the dispatcher when registered.

CameraTool.onEvent! ( io Event event )

Implementation of EventHandler.

CameraTool.orbit! ( in Vec2 mouseDelta, io Camera camera )

Camera orbiting (rotation).

mouseDelta Mouse delta (in screen space).
camera The camera.

CameraTool.pan! ( in Vec2 mouseDelta, in Viewport_Virtual viewport, io Camera camera )

Camera panning.

mouseDelta Mouse displacement (in screen space).
viewport Reference to the viewport.
camera The camera.