CameraManipulator (object)

バージョン 1.14.0 で追加.

The CameraManipulator provides camera manpulations services for the Camera interface.

The CameraManipulator can only be used with standalone tools and cannot be used within the DCC Splice integrations.

Usage: - Hold the Left mouse button and drag with the mouse to cause camera orbiting. - Hold the Middle mouse button and drag with the mouse to cause camera panning. - Hold the Left mouse button, the Alt key, and drag with the mouse to cause camera dollying. - Use the mouse wheel to cause camera dollying.



CameraManipulator CameraManipulator CameraManipulator Manipulator Manipulator CameraManipulator->Manipulator


Camera camera The camera that is the subject of this manipulator.
Scalar orbitRate The rate at which the mouse drag correlates to orbit velocity of the camera.
Scalar mouseWheelDollySpeed The factor at which mouse wheel actions are converted to dolly motion.


  CameraManipulator ( in Camera camera )
  CameraManipulator ( in CameraManipulator other )
  CameraManipulator ()
CameraManipulator clone ? ()
  dolly ! ( in Scalar delta )
  init ! ()
  onDisable ! ()
  onEnable ! ()
  onEvent ! ( io Event event )
  onEvent ! ( io KeyEvent keyEvent )
  onEvent ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  onEvent ! ( io MouseWheelEvent mouseWheelEvent )
  orbit ! ( in Vec2 mouseDelta )
  pan ! ( in Vec2 mouseDelta, in Viewport viewport )
  setCamera ! ( in Camera camera )

Methods in detail

CameraManipulator ( in Camera camera )

Constructing taking the Camera object that will be the subject of the interaction.

CameraManipulator ( in CameraManipulator other )

copy constructor

CameraManipulator ()

Default constructor for the CameraManipulator.

CameraManipulator CameraManipulator.clone? ()

clone method

CameraManipulator.dolly! ( in Scalar delta )

CameraManipulator.init! ()

Initialize the default values of the CameraManipulator.

CameraManipulator.onDisable! ()

When the manipulator is disabled, this callback function is invoked.

CameraManipulator.onEnable! ()

When the manipulator is enabled, this callback function is invoked.

CameraManipulator.onEvent! ( io Event event )

The event handler function for the CameraManipulator

event The event propagated from the host DCC application

CameraManipulator.onEvent! ( io KeyEvent keyEvent )

CameraManipulator.onEvent! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

CameraManipulator.onEvent! ( io MouseWheelEvent mouseWheelEvent )

CameraManipulator.orbit! ( in Vec2 mouseDelta )

When the manipulator is disabled, this callback function is invoked.

CameraManipulator.pan! ( in Vec2 mouseDelta, in Viewport viewport )

CameraManipulator.setCamera! ( in Camera camera )

Set a new camera to be used by the manipulator.