EventHandler (interface)

EventHandler EventHandler EventHandler BaseHandler BaseHandler BaseHandler->EventHandler BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher->BaseHandler BaseToolDispatcher BaseToolDispatcher BaseToolDispatcher->BaseHandlerDispatcher RootDispatcher RootDispatcher RootDispatcher->BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseSelectionTool BaseSelectionTool BaseSelectionTool->BaseHandler BaseTool BaseTool BaseTool->BaseHandler BasePaintTool BasePaintTool BasePaintTool->BaseTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool->BasePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool->BasePaintTool BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool->BasePaintTool BaseSRTTool BaseSRTTool BaseSRTTool->BaseTool BaseSliderTool BaseSliderTool BaseSliderTool->BaseTool CameraTool CameraTool CameraTool->BaseTool


  disable ! ()
  enable ! ()
HandlerDescription getDescription ? ()
Ref<HandlerDispatcher> getDispatcher ? ()
Key getEnableKey ? ()
HandlerExclusivity getExclusivity ? ()
Boolean hasKey ? ( in Key key )
Boolean isAlwaysEnabled ? ()
Boolean isEnabled ? ()
Boolean isIndependent ? ()
Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher ? ()
  onEvent ! ( io Event event )
  setAlwaysEnabled ! ( in Boolean alwaysEnabled )
  setDispatcher ! ( in Ref<HandlerDispatcher> dispatcher )
  setEnableKey ! ( in Key key )
  setExclusivity ! ( in HandlerExclusivity handlerExclusivity )
  setIndependent ! ( in Boolean independent )
  setTakeAllEvents ! ( in Boolean takeAllEvents )
Boolean takeAllEvents ? ()

Functions in detail

EventHandler.disable! ()

Disables the handler.

EventHandler.enable! ()

Enables the handler so it receives the events.

HandlerDescription EventHandler.getDescription? ()

Gets the handler description, see HandlerDescription.

Ref<HandlerDispatcher> EventHandler.getDispatcher? ()

Gets a reference to the dispatcher.

Key EventHandler.getEnableKey? ()

Gets the key that enable the handler.

HandlerExclusivity EventHandler.getExclusivity? ()

Gets the exclusivity of the handler, see HandlerConstants.

Boolean EventHandler.hasKey? ( in Key key )

Checks if the handler has the key.

key Key to check.

Boolean EventHandler.isAlwaysEnabled? ()

Checks if the handler is alwaysEnabled.

Boolean EventHandler.isEnabled? ()

Checks if the handler is enabled.

Boolean EventHandler.isIndependent? ()

Checks if the handler is independent, see HandlerConstants.

Boolean EventHandler.isOwnedByDispatcher? ()

Checks if the handler is owned by the dispatcher.

EventHandler.onEvent! ( io Event event )

Process the event.

event The user event

EventHandler.setAlwaysEnabled! ( in Boolean alwaysEnabled )

If true, the handler is always enabled.

EventHandler.setDispatcher! ( in Ref<HandlerDispatcher> dispatcher )

Sets a reference to the dispatcher.

dispatcher A reference to an HandlerDispatcher.

EventHandler.setEnableKey! ( in Key key )

Sets the key that enable the handler.

EventHandler.setExclusivity! ( in HandlerExclusivity handlerExclusivity )

Sets the exclusivity of the handler, see HandlerConstants.

handlerExclusivity Tool‘s new exclusivity.

EventHandler.setIndependent! ( in Boolean independent )

Sets if the handler is affected by other handlers HandlerExclusivity, see HandlerConstants. It’s a local override to HandlerExclusivity.

independent If true the handler is not changed (enabled/disabled) when switching to another handler.

EventHandler.setTakeAllEvents! ( in Boolean takeAllEvents )

Forces this handlers to receive all the events.

takeAllEvents If true, accept all the events.

Boolean EventHandler.takeAllEvents? ()

Checks if the handler takes all the events, see HandlerConstants.