BaseHandler (object)

バージョン 2.0.1 で追加.

BaseHandler class allows to handle/process user events. Any custom handlers should specialize this class. How handlers process events from the host application is down to the implementation of the onEvent method.

BaseHandler BaseHandler BaseHandler EventHandler EventHandler BaseHandler->EventHandler BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseHandlerDispatcher->BaseHandler BaseToolDispatcher BaseToolDispatcher BaseToolDispatcher->BaseHandlerDispatcher RootDispatcher RootDispatcher RootDispatcher->BaseHandlerDispatcher BaseSelectionTool BaseSelectionTool BaseSelectionTool->BaseHandler BaseTool BaseTool BaseTool->BaseHandler BasePaintTool BasePaintTool BasePaintTool->BaseTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool BaseColorAttributePaintTool->BasePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool BaseScalarAttributePaintTool->BasePaintTool BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool BaseSculptTool->BasePaintTool BaseSRTTool BaseSRTTool BaseSRTTool->BaseTool BaseSliderTool BaseSliderTool BaseSliderTool->BaseTool CameraTool CameraTool CameraTool->BaseTool


Boolean enabled Handler is enabled.
Key enableKey Enable key.
HandlerExclusivity handlerExclusivity Handler exclusivity.
Boolean isIndependent HandlerExclusivity local override.
Boolean takeAllEvents It true, the handler takes all the events.
Boolean alwaysEnabled It true, the handler takes all the events.
Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher Checks if the handler is owned by a handlerDispatcher. In most of the cases, the dispatcher owns the handlers. However, it’s not true in DFG graphs where the handlers are owns by the nodes.
Ref<HandlerDispatcher> dispatcher Reference to the dispatcher.


  BaseHandler ( in BaseHandler other )
  BaseHandler ( in Key enableKey, in HandlerExclusivity exclusivity, in Boolean isIndependent, in Boolean takeAllEvents, in Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher )
  BaseHandler ()
BaseHandler clone ? ()
  disable ! ()
  enable ! ()
HandlerDescription getDescription ? ()
Ref<HandlerDispatcher> getDispatcher ? ()
Key getEnableKey ? ()
HandlerExclusivity getExclusivity ? ()
Boolean hasKey ? ( in Key key )
  init ! ( in Key enableKey, in HandlerExclusivity exclusivity, in Boolean isIndependent, in Boolean takeAllEvents, in Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher )
  init ! ( in Key enableKey, in HandlerExclusivity exclusivity, in Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher )
Boolean isAlwaysEnabled ? ()
Boolean isEnabled ? ()
Boolean isIndependent ? ()
Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher ? ()
  onEvent ! ( io BaseEvent baseEvent )
  onEvent ! ( io Event event )
  setAlwaysEnabled ! ( in Boolean alwaysEnabled )
  setDispatcher ! ( in Ref<HandlerDispatcher> dispatcher )
  setEnableKey ! ( in Key key )
  setExclusivity ! ( in HandlerExclusivity handlerExclusivity )
  setIndependent ! ( in Boolean independent )
  setTakeAllEvents ! ( in Boolean takeAllEvents )
Boolean takeAllEvents ? ()
  ~BaseHandler ()

Methods in detail

BaseHandler ( in BaseHandler other )

copy constructor

BaseHandler ( in Key enableKey, in HandlerExclusivity exclusivity, in Boolean isIndependent, in Boolean takeAllEvents, in Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher )

Constructs a BaseHandler.

enableKey The key that enables/disables the handler.
exclusivity Handler exclusivity.
isIndependent If true, independent handler.
takeAllEvents If true, force this handler to get all the events.
isOwnedByDispatcher If true, owned by the dispatcher when registered.

BaseHandler ()

default constructor

BaseHandler BaseHandler.clone? ()

clone method

BaseHandler.disable! ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

BaseHandler.enable! ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

HandlerDescription BaseHandler.getDescription? ()

Implementation of EventHandler. To override.

Ref<HandlerDispatcher> BaseHandler.getDispatcher? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

Key BaseHandler.getEnableKey? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

HandlerExclusivity BaseHandler.getExclusivity? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

Boolean BaseHandler.hasKey? ( in Key key )

Implementation of EventHandler. To override.

BaseHandler.init! ( in Key enableKey, in HandlerExclusivity exclusivity, in Boolean isIndependent, in Boolean takeAllEvents, in Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher )

Initializes a BaseHandler.

enableKey The key that enables/disables the handler.
exclusivity Handler exclusivity.
isIndependent If true, independent handler.
takeAllEvents If true, force this handler to get all the events.
isOwnedByDispatcher If true, owned by the dispatcher when registered.

BaseHandler.init! ( in Key enableKey, in HandlerExclusivity exclusivity, in Boolean isOwnedByDispatcher )

Initializes a BaseHandler, no-independent and doesn’t take all the events.

enableKey The key that enables/disables the handler.
exclusivity Handler exclusivity.
isOwnedByDispatcher If true, owned by the dispatcher when registered.

Boolean BaseHandler.isAlwaysEnabled? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

Boolean BaseHandler.isEnabled? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

Boolean BaseHandler.isIndependent? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

Boolean BaseHandler.isOwnedByDispatcher? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

BaseHandler.onEvent! ( io BaseEvent baseEvent )

Helper to call onEvent method from a host application.

BaseHandler.onEvent! ( io Event event )

Implementation of EventHandler. To override.

BaseHandler.setAlwaysEnabled! ( in Boolean alwaysEnabled )

Implementation of EventHandler.

BaseHandler.setDispatcher! ( in Ref<HandlerDispatcher> dispatcher )

Implementation of EventHandler.

BaseHandler.setEnableKey! ( in Key key )

Implementation of EventHandler.

BaseHandler.setExclusivity! ( in HandlerExclusivity handlerExclusivity )

Implementation of EventHandler.

BaseHandler.setIndependent! ( in Boolean independent )

Implementation of EventHandler.

BaseHandler.setTakeAllEvents! ( in Boolean takeAllEvents )

Implementation of EventHandler.

Boolean BaseHandler.takeAllEvents? ()

Implementation of EventHandler.

~ BaseHandler ()

Destructor. When desctructed, tell the dispatcher to unregister the current handle if it isn’t owned by the dispatcher.