BaseGizmoHandler (object)

バージョン 1.12.0 で追加.

The BaseGizmoHandler is the base class for the provided gizmo handlers.

The BaseGizmoHandler provides management of an ‘owner’ InlineInstance used to display the visual gizmo and handling of highlighting of the geometry when required.

BaseGizmoHandler BaseGizmoHandler BaseGizmoHandler GizmoHandler GizmoHandler BaseGizmoHandler->GizmoHandler OrientationAxisGizmoHandler OrientationAxisGizmoHandler OrientationAxisGizmoHandler->BaseGizmoHandler OrientationSphericalGizmoHandler OrientationSphericalGizmoHandler OrientationSphericalGizmoHandler->BaseGizmoHandler PositionAxisGizmoHandler PositionAxisGizmoHandler PositionAxisGizmoHandler->BaseGizmoHandler PositionGizmoHandler PositionGizmoHandler PositionGizmoHandler->BaseGizmoHandler PositionPlanarGizmoHandler PositionPlanarGizmoHandler PositionPlanarGizmoHandler->BaseGizmoHandler SliderGizmoHandler SliderGizmoHandler SliderGizmoHandler->BaseGizmoHandler


Ref<InlineInstance> owner The instance that owns the handler. reference to the owner, which would cause a circular reference.
Color ownerColor The un-highlighted color of the owner
GizmoManipulationCallback callback The callback to be invoked when the gizmo is manipulated.
EvalContext evalContext The evaluation context provided when the handler was constructed. on the gizmo generates changes in the host DCC graph.


  BaseGizmoHandler ( in BaseGizmoHandler other )
  BaseGizmoHandler ()
BaseGizmoHandler clone ? ()
  highlight ! ( in Boolean display )
  init ! ( in InlineInstance owner, in GizmoManipulationCallback callback )
  init ! ( in InlineInstance owner, in GizmoManipulationCallback callback, in EvalContext evalContext )
  onEvent ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Methods in detail

BaseGizmoHandler ( in BaseGizmoHandler other )

copy constructor

BaseGizmoHandler ()

default constructor

BaseGizmoHandler BaseGizmoHandler.clone? ()

clone method

BaseGizmoHandler.highlight! ( in Boolean display )

Highlights the gizmo. the default implementation changes the gizmo color, assuming that the InlineInstance is rendered with a shader using a uniform called ‘u_diffuseColor’.

BaseGizmoHandler.init! ( in InlineInstance owner, in GizmoManipulationCallback callback )

Initializes the BaseGizmoHandler with an owner and callback

owner The InlineInstance that owns the gizmo handler.
callback The callback that will be fired when the gizmo is manipulated.

BaseGizmoHandler.init! ( in InlineInstance owner, in GizmoManipulationCallback callback, in EvalContext evalContext )

Initializes the BaseGizmoHandler with an owner, callback and evalContext.

owner The InlineInstance that owns the gizmo handler.
callback The callback that will be fired when the gizmo is manipulated.
evalContext The evalContext provided to the Splice operator when setting up the manipulator.

BaseGizmoHandler.onEvent! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

The method invoked when the gizmo is active.