OrientationAxisGizmoHandler (object)

バージョン 1.12.0 で追加.

The OrientationAxisGizmoHandler converts mouse events into rotation around a given axis.

OrientationAxisGizmoHandler OrientationAxisGizmoHandler OrientationAxisGizmoHandler BaseGizmoHandler BaseGizmoHandler OrientationAxisGizmoHandler->BaseGizmoHandler GizmoHandler GizmoHandler BaseGizmoHandler->GizmoHandler


Ref<InlineInstance> owner The instance that owns the handler. reference to the owner, which would cause a circular reference.
Color ownerColor The un-highlighted color of the owner
GizmoManipulationCallback callback The callback to be invoked when the gizmo is manipulated.
EvalContext evalContext The evaluation context provided when the handler was constructed. on the gizmo generates changes in the host DCC graph.
Vec3 manipulationVector the local axis in the space of the owner used to define the manipulation plane.


  OrientationAxisGizmoHandler ( in InlineInstance owner, in Vec3 manipulationVector, in GizmoManipulationCallback callback )
  OrientationAxisGizmoHandler ( in InlineInstance owner, in Vec3 manipulationVector, in GizmoManipulationCallback callback, in EvalContext evalContext )
  OrientationAxisGizmoHandler ( in OrientationAxisGizmoHandler other )
  OrientationAxisGizmoHandler ()
OrientationAxisGizmoHandler clone ? ()
  onEvent ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Methods in detail

OrientationAxisGizmoHandler ( in InlineInstance owner, in Vec3 manipulationVector, in GizmoManipulationCallback callback )

OrientationAxisGizmoHandler ( in InlineInstance owner, in Vec3 manipulationVector, in GizmoManipulationCallback callback, in EvalContext evalContext )

OrientationAxisGizmoHandler ( in OrientationAxisGizmoHandler other )

copy constructor

OrientationAxisGizmoHandler ()

default constructor

OrientationAxisGizmoHandler OrientationAxisGizmoHandler.clone? ()

clone method

OrientationAxisGizmoHandler.onEvent! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

The method invoked when the gizmo is active.