Mat22_c (struct)

The Mat22_c represents a 2 by 2 matrix. It uses Vec2_c types for each of the 2 rows.

** Example: Construct Mat22_c

// create a matrix 2x2
Vec2_c v0(1.0, 0.0);
Vec2_c v1(0.0, 1.0);
Mat22_c mat(v0, v1);

Mat22_c Mat22_c Mat22_c


Vec2_c row0  
Vec2_c row1  


  Mat22_c ( in Complex _00, in Complex _01, in Complex _10, in Complex _11 )
  Mat22_c ( in Mat22_c other )
  Mat22_c ( in Vec2_c row0, in Vec2_c row1 )
  Mat22_c ()
Mat22_c add ? ( in Mat22_c other )
Mat22_c adjoint ? ()
Boolean almostEqual ? ( in Mat22_c other )
Boolean almostEqual ? ( in Mat22_c other, in Float32 precision )
Mat22_c clone ? ()
Complex determinant ? ()
Mat22_c divideComplex ? ( in Complex other )
Boolean equal ? ( in Mat22_c other )
UInt32 hash ? ()
Mat22_c inverse ? ()
Mat22_c multiply ? ( in Mat22_c other )
Mat22_c multiplyComplex ? ( in Complex other )
Vec2_c multiplyVector ? ( in Vec2_c other )
  set ! ( in Complex _00, in Complex _01, in Complex _10, in Complex _11 )
  setColumns ! ( in Vec2_c col0, in Vec2_c col1 )
  setDiagonal ! ( in Complex v )
  setDiagonal ! ( in Vec2_c v )
  setIdentity ! ()
  setNull ! ()
  setRows ! ( in Vec2_c row0, in Vec2_c row1 )
Mat22_c subtract ? ( in Mat22_c other )
Mat22_c transpose ? ()


Mat22_c = ( Param other )

Methods in detail

Mat22_c ( in Complex _00, in Complex _01, in Complex _10, in Complex _11 )

Constructor from scalars

Mat22_c ( in Mat22_c other )

copy constructor

Mat22_c ( in Vec2_c row0, in Vec2_c row1 )

Constructor from vectors

Mat22_c ()

Mat22_c Mat22_c.add? ( in Mat22_c other )

Overload method for the add operator

Mat22_c Mat22_c.adjoint? ()

Returns the adjoint matrix of this matrix

Boolean Mat22_c.almostEqual? ( in Mat22_c other )

Returns true if this matrix is almost the same as another one (using a default precision)

Boolean Mat22_c.almostEqual? ( in Mat22_c other, in Float32 precision )

Returns true if this matrix is almost the same as another one (given a precision)

Mat22_c Mat22_c.clone? ()

clone method

Complex Mat22_c.determinant? ()

Returns the determinant of this matrix

Mat22_c Mat22_c.divideComplex? ( in Complex other )

Returns the division of this matrix and a scalar

Boolean Mat22_c.equal? ( in Mat22_c other )

Returns true if this matrix is the same as another one

UInt32 Mat22_c.hash? ()

Hash for this value

Mat22_c Mat22_c.inverse? ()

Returns the inverse matrix of this matrix

Mat22_c Mat22_c.multiply? ( in Mat22_c other )

Overload method for the multiply operator

Mat22_c Mat22_c.multiplyComplex? ( in Complex other )

// overload method for the divide operator inline Mat22_c Mat22_c.divide(Mat22_c other) { return this / other; } Returns the product of this matrix and a scalar

Vec2_c Mat22_c.multiplyVector? ( in Vec2_c other )

Returns the product of this matrix and a vector

Mat22_c.set! ( in Complex _00, in Complex _01, in Complex _10, in Complex _11 )

Sets each component with a single scalar value.

Mat22_c.setColumns! ( in Vec2_c col0, in Vec2_c col1 )

Setter from vectors, column-wise

Mat22_c.setDiagonal! ( in Complex v )

setting the diagonal components of this matrix to a scalar

Mat22_c.setDiagonal! ( in Vec2_c v )

setting the diagonal components of this matrix to the components of a vector

Mat22_c.setIdentity! ()

setting this matrix to the identity matrix

Mat22_c.setNull! ()

setting all components of the matrix to 0.0

Mat22_c.setRows! ( in Vec2_c row0, in Vec2_c row1 )

Setter from vectors, row-wise

Mat22_c Mat22_c.subtract? ( in Mat22_c other )

Overload method for the subtract operator

Mat22_c Mat22_c.transpose? ()

Returns the transposed matrix of this matrix

Operators in detail

Mat22_c = ( Param other )

Adds another matrix to this one