Util Extension’s Free Functions

Boolean BytesEqual ( in Data values1, in Data values2, in UInt64 dataSize )

Float32 source, in Size float32count )

SInt32 source, in Size sint32count )

UInt32 source, in Size uint32count )

UInt64 CastDataToUInt64 ( in Data data )

UInt8 source, in Size uint32count )

Data CastUInt64ToData ( in UInt64 uint64 )

Boolean CompareAndUpdateBytes ( in Data toUpdate, in Data newValues, in UInt64 dataSize )

CopyBytes ( in Data target, in Data source, in UInt64 dataSize )

EvalContext EvalContext_GetInstance ()

Get the EvalContext singleton, or construct it if it didn’t already exist.

GetBatchSizeAndCountForParallel ( in Size numIndices, in Size workloadMultiplier, in Size minBatchSize, io Size numBatches, io Size batchSize )

This function can be used to compute a batchsize for a given number of tasks.

** Example: GetBatchSizeAndCountForParallel

require Util;
operator entry() {

      Size numTasks = 100;
      Size minBatchSize = 4;
      Size numBatches, batchSize;
      GetBatchSizeAndCountForParallel(numTasks, minBatchSize, 12, numBatches, batchSize);
      report('numBatches: '+numBatches);
      report('batchSize: '+batchSize);

** Output:

numBatches: 8
batchSize: 13


UInt8 Log2RoundUp ( in UInt32 value )

performs a logarithmic round up for the provided value

Data OffsetByteData ( in Data base, in SInt64 byteOffset )

atomicClearBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )

sets a bit to 0 for a given UInt32 value

Boolean atomicGetThenClearFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )

removes a given UInt16 flag from an UInt16 bit mask

Boolean atomicGetThenClearFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )

removes a given UInt32 flag from an UInt32 bit mask

Boolean atomicGetThenClearFlag ( io UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )

removes a given UInt8 flag from an UInt8 bit mask

Boolean atomicGetThenSetFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )

sets a given UInt16 flag as part of the UInt16 bit mask

Boolean atomicGetThenSetFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )

sets a given UInt32 flag as part of the UInt32 bit mask

Boolean atomicGetThenSetFlag ( io UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )

sets a given UInt8 flag as part of the UInt8 bit mask

atomicSetBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )

sets a certain bit of a given UInt32 value

atomicSetBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit, in Boolean value )

sets a bit to 0 or 1 for a given UInt32 value

clearBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )

sets a bit to 0 for a given UInt32 value

clearBit ( io UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )

sets a bit of a UInt64 value to 0

clearFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )

clearFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )

removes a given UInt32 flag from an UInt32 bit mask

clearFlag ( io UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )

removes a given UInt8 flag from an UInt8 bit mask

Float32 frexp ( in Float32 value, io Integer e )

Get significant and exponent Breaks the floating point number x into its binary significant (a floating point value between 0.5(included) and 1.0(excluded)) and an integral exponent for 2, such that:

Float64 frexp ( in Float64 value, io Integer e )

Get significant and exponent Breaks the floating point number x into its binary significant (a floating point value between 0.5(included) and 1.0(excluded)) and an integral exponent for 2, such that:

Boolean getBit ( in UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )

returns a certain bit of a given UInt32 value

Boolean getBit ( in UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )

returns true if a given UInt64 flag is part of the UInt64 bit mask

Boolean getFlag ( in UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )

Boolean getFlag ( in UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )

returns true if a given UInt32 flag is part of the UInt32 bit mask

Boolean getFlag ( in UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )

returns true if a given UInt8 flag is part of the UInt8 bit mask

String getSetBitsString ( in UInt32 val )

returns a UInt32 number as a bitmask

** Example: getSetBitsString

require Util;
operator entry() {

  UInt32 v;
  setBit(v, 3, true);
  setBit(v, 7, true);
  setBit(v, 12, true);

** Output:

[3, 7, 12]


String getSetBitsString ( in UInt64 val )

returns a UInt64 number as a bitmask

Boolean getThenClearBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )

first gets and then clears a bit of a given UInt32 value

Boolean getThenClearFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )

removes a given UInt16 flag as part of the UInt16 bit mask and returns the previous value

Boolean getThenClearFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )

removes a given UInt32 flag as part of the UInt32 bit mask and returns the previous value

Boolean getThenClearFlag ( io UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )

removes a given UInt8 flag as part of the UInt8 bit mask and returns the previous value

Boolean getThenSetBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )

first gets and then sets a bit of a given UInt32 value

Boolean getThenSetBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit, in Boolean value )

first gets and then sets a bit to 0 or 1 for a given UInt32 value

Boolean getThenSetBit ( io UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )

first gets and then sets a bit of a UInt64 value

Boolean getThenSetBit ( io UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit, in Boolean value )

first gets and then sets a bit of a UInt64 value to 0 or 1

Boolean getThenSetFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )

sets a given UInt16 flag as part of the UInt16 bit mask and returns the previous value

Boolean getThenSetFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )

sets a given UInt32 flag as part of the UInt32 bit mask and returns the previous value

Boolean getThenSetFlag ( io UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )

sets a given UInt8 flag as part of the UInt8 bit mask and returns the previous value

Float32 ldexp ( in Float32 value, in Integer e )

Generate value from significant and exponent Returns the result of multiplying x (the significant) by 2 raised to the power of exp (the exponent).

Float64 ldexp ( in Float64 value, in Integer e )

Generate value from significant and exponent Returns the result of multiplying x (the significant) by 2 raised to the power of exp (the exponent).

setBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit )

sets a certain bit of a given UInt32 value

setBit ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 bit, in Boolean value )

sets a bit to 0 or 1 for a given UInt32 value

setBit ( io UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit )

sets a bit of a given UInt64 value

setBit ( io UInt64 val, in UInt64 bit, in Boolean value )

sets a bit of a UInt64 value to 0 or 1

setFlag ( io UInt16 val, in UInt16 flag )

sets a given UInt16 flag as part of the UInt16 bit mask

setFlag ( io UInt32 val, in UInt32 flag )

sets a given UInt32 flag as part of the UInt32 bit mask

setFlag ( io UInt8 val, in UInt8 flag )

sets a given UInt8 flag as part of the UInt8 bit mask

swap ( io UInt32 first, io UInt32 second )

swaps two UInt32 numbers

Boolean synchronizeVersion ( in UInt32 source, io UInt32 observer )

returns true if the observer version needs to be synchronized with the source

Boolean synchronizeVersion ( in UInt64 source, io UInt64 observer )

returns true if the observer version needs to be synchronized with the source

Float32[] truncateDecimals ( in Float32 array[], in Integer n )

Keeps the first n decimals. of Float32 array values

Float32 truncateDecimals ( in Float32 value, in Integer n )

Keeps the first n decimals. of the value.

Float64[] truncateDecimals ( in Float64 array[], in Integer n )

Keeps the first n decimals. of Float64 array values

Float64 truncateDecimals ( in Float64 value, in Integer n )

Keeps the first n decimals. of the value.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in ARGB value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Box3 value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Color value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Complex value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Complex_d value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Euler value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Float32 array[], in UInt32 n )

Converts the Float32 array values to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Float32 value, in Integer n )

Converts the Scalar value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Float64 array[], in UInt32 n )

Converts the Float64 array valuee to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Float64 value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Mat mat, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Mat22 value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Mat33 value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Mat44 value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Mat_c mat, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Mat_cd mat, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Mat_d mat, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Mat_i mat, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Quat value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in RGB value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in RGBA value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Ray value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in RotationOrder value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec vec, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec2 value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec3 value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec3_c value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec3_cd value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec3_d value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec4 value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec_c vec, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec_cd vec, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec_d vec, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Vec_i vec, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String truncateDecimalsPrint ( in Xfo value, in UInt32 n )

Converts the value to a string, keeping the first n decimals.

String unitTestPrint ( in ARGB value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Box3 value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Color value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Complex value )

Converts the Scalar value to a string, removing accuracy to ensure the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Complex_d value )

Converts the Scalar value to a string, removing accuracy to ensure the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Euler value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Float32 array[] )

Converts the Float32 array values to a string, removing accuracy to ensure the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Float32 value )

Converts the Scalar value to a string, removing accuracy to ensure the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Float64 array[] )

Converts the Float64 array valuee to a string, removing accuracy to ensure the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Float64 value )

Converts the Scalar value to a string, removing accuracy to ensure the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Mat mat )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Mat22 value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Mat33 value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Mat44 value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Mat_c mat )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Mat_cd mat )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Mat_d mat )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Mat_i mat )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Quat value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in RGB value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in RGBA value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Ray value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in RotationOrder value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec vec )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec2 value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec3 value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec3_c value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec3_cd value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec3_d value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec4 value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec_c vec )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec_cd vec )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec_d vec )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Vec_i vec )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

String unitTestPrint ( in Xfo value )

Converts the value to a string ensuring the same result across all platforms.

Float32[] unitTestTruncate ( in Float32 array[] )

Removes accuracy to the Float32 array values to ensure the same result across all platforms.

Float32 unitTestTruncate ( in Float32 value )

Removes accuracy to the Float32 value to ensure the same result across all platforms.

Float64[] unitTestTruncate ( in Float64 array[] )

Removes accuracy to the Float64 array values to ensure the same result across all platforms.

Float64 unitTestTruncate ( in Float64 value )

Removes accuracy to the Float64 value to ensure the same result across all platforms.

Boolean updateValue ( in Boolean source, io Boolean target )

updateValue ( in Boolean source, io Boolean target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in Boolean source, io Boolean target, io UInt32 version )

Boolean updateValue ( in Float32 source, io Float32 target )

updateValue ( in Float32 source, io Float32 target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in Float32 source, io Float32 target, io UInt32 version )

Boolean updateValue ( in Float32 source, io UInt32 target )

updateValue ( in Float32 source, io UInt32 target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

Compare bitcast to UInt32

updateValue ( in Float32 source, io UInt32 target, io UInt32 version )

Compare bitcast to UInt32

Boolean updateValue ( in Float64 source, io Float64 target )

updateValue ( in Float64 source, io Float64 target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in Float64 source, io Float64 target, io UInt32 version )

Boolean updateValue ( in Object source, io Object target )

updateValue ( in Object source, io Object target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in Object source, io Object target, io UInt32 version )

Boolean updateValue ( in Ref<Object> source, io Ref<Object> target )

updateValue ( in Ref<Object> source, io Ref<Object> target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in Ref<Object> source, io Ref<Object> target, io UInt32 version )

Boolean updateValue ( in SInt32 source, io SInt32 target )

updateValue ( in SInt32 source, io SInt32 target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in SInt32 source, io SInt32 target, io UInt32 version )

Boolean updateValue ( in String source, io String target )

updateValue ( in String source, io String target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in String source, io String target, io UInt32 version )

Boolean updateValue ( in UInt32 source, io UInt32 target )

updateValue ( in UInt32 source, io UInt32 target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in UInt32 source, io UInt32 target, io UInt32 version )

Boolean updateValue ( in UInt8 source, io UInt8 target )

updateValue ( in UInt8 source, io UInt8 target, io Boolean changedAccumulator )

updateValue ( in UInt8 source, io UInt8 target, io UInt32 version )