Fabric Splice API Workshop

Splice version 2.4.0
Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Fabric Software Inc. All rights reserved.


This workshop covers the Splice API (including the Core API). You’ll learn how you can use the power of KL in your own C/C++ applications, and how to integrate Splice into other (yet unsupported) host applications. This workshop targets the C/C++ programmer type and RnD departments.

You can find all of the videos embedded below in the Fabric Engine Workshop Channel on Vimeo.

All workshop videos are available for download as well.


With version 1.10.1 of the API the FabricSplice::addRTFolder function has been deprecated.

01 - Introduction

This video provides a general overview of the Splice API and how you deploy the libraries on your machine.

02 - Scons

In this section we learn how to use the SCons build system to build executable tools using the Splice API.

03 - Hello World

In this section we implement our very first Splice API based application, a “Hello World” sample. This deploys KL withing C/C++ and includes the complete LLVM toolchain.

04 - Logging Callbacks

In this section we learn how to set callbacks for any log output, including std::out as well as error messages.

05 - KL Types

In this section we cover how to use custom KL types, how to load them and how to even programmatically create them using C/C++.

06 - Ports

This video covers the DGPort and how to read / write data with Splice. We also cover advanced high performance IO on ports for moving large amounts of data.

07 - RTVals

This section covers RTVals and how you can use KL types directly within C/C++, how you can call methods on them. We’ll learn how to deploy RTVals without using any graph.

08 - Subgraphs

This video covers subgraphs with the Splice API. PLEASE NOTE THAT SUBGRAPHS MIGHT BE CHANGED / REMOVED in the release of 1.10.0.

09 - Persistence

In this section we learn how to save Splice tools to a file and how to load it again. This section is essential for building portable tools.

10 - KL Parser

This video covers the KLParser. We learn how to parse KL code for contents, and how it can be deployed to build code completion tools.

Indices and Tables