Cmd (interface)

バージョン 2.0 で追加.

The Cmd interface declares all the methods that a host application needs to acces the command paramerers.



Cmd Cmd Cmd BaseCmd BaseCmd BaseCmd->Cmd


Boolean doCmd ! ()
Boolean getBooleanParam ? ( in String key )
Float32 getFloat32Param ? ( in String key )
String getStringParam ? ( in String key )
UInt32 getUInt32Param ? ( in String key )
Boolean undoCmd ! ()

Functions in detail

Boolean Cmd.doCmd! ()

Does the command.

Boolean Cmd.getBooleanParam? ( in String key )

Gets a Boolean parameter. Returns false if key is not founded.

key The name of the parameter

Float32 Cmd.getFloat32Param? ( in String key )

Gets a Float32 parameter. Returns 0.0 if key is not founded.

key The name of the parameter

String Cmd.getStringParam? ( in String key )

Gets a String parameter. Returns “unknown” if key is not founded.

key The name of the parameter

UInt32 Cmd.getUInt32Param? ( in String key )

Gets a UInt32 parameter. Returns InvalidIndex if key is not founded.

key The name of the parameter

Boolean Cmd.undoCmd! ()

Undoes the command.