BaseCmd (object)

The BaseCmd class defines the basics functionalities of a command. Any command should specializes this class.

The command parameters are stored in a container and have ‘key’ access. They are accessible via Type getTypeParam() methods that can be extended.



BaseCmd BaseCmd BaseCmd Cmd Cmd BaseCmd->Cmd


GenericValueContainer params Command parameters container


  BaseCmd ( in BaseCmd other )
  BaseCmd ()
BaseCmd clone ? ()
Boolean doCmd ! ()
Boolean getBooleanParam ? ( in String key )
Float32 getFloat32Param ? ( in String key )
String getStringParam ? ( in String key )
UInt32 getUInt32Param ? ( in String key )
  init ! ()
Boolean undoCmd ! ()

Methods in detail

BaseCmd ( in BaseCmd other )

copy constructor

BaseCmd ()

default constructor

BaseCmd BaseCmd.clone? ()

clone method

Boolean BaseCmd.doCmd! ()

Implementation of Cmd.

Boolean BaseCmd.getBooleanParam? ( in String key )

Implementation of Cmd.

Float32 BaseCmd.getFloat32Param? ( in String key )

Implementation of Cmd.

String BaseCmd.getStringParam? ( in String key )

Implementation of Cmd.

UInt32 BaseCmd.getUInt32Param? ( in String key )

Implementation of Cmd.

BaseCmd.init! ()

Initiliazes a base command.

Boolean BaseCmd.undoCmd! ()

Implementation of Cmd.