ISurfacePaintManipulator (interface)

バージョン 1.12.0 で追加.

An interface for paint manipulator that defines the virtual methods that can be overridden in specialized painting tools.


when the ‘virtual’ keyword is introduced into KL, we can eliminate this interface and simply decorate the methods in SurfacePaintManipulator with the virtual keyword.

ISurfacePaintManipulator ISurfacePaintManipulator ISurfacePaintManipulator SurfacePaintManipulator SurfacePaintManipulator SurfacePaintManipulator->ISurfacePaintManipulator SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator->SurfacePaintManipulator SurfaceSculptManipulator SurfaceSculptManipulator SurfaceSculptManipulator->SurfacePaintManipulator


  onPaint ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent, in SurfacePaintManipulator_PointCollection collectedPoints )
  onStrokeBegin ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  onStrokeEnd ! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )
  setGraph ! ( in String graphName )
  setPortToDrive ! ( in String portName )

Functions in detail

ISurfacePaintManipulator.onPaint! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent, in SurfacePaintManipulator_PointCollection collectedPoints )

Invoked by the SurfacePaintManipulator during painting for each mouse move event. the collectedPoints struct contains the points, distances and weights of the points in the geometry that are within the volume of the paint brush.

ISurfacePaintManipulator.onStrokeBegin! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Invoked by the SurfacePaintManipulator when the paint stroke begins. The event passed in is the mouse down event.

ISurfacePaintManipulator.onStrokeEnd! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Invoked by the SurfacePaintManipulator when the paint stroke ends. The event passed in is the mouse up event.

ISurfacePaintManipulator.setGraph! ( in String graphName )

Sets the graph name within the DCC

ISurfacePaintManipulator.setPortToDrive! ( in String portName )

Sets the port to drive. This by default is set to the evalID, which forces a refresh of the execution of the DCC node, so for example a deformer will be reexecuted.