SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator (object)

バージョン 1.12.0 で追加.

The SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator enables the painting of a scalar vertex attribute on a PolygonMesh. These scalar attributes can be used to control the effects of custom deformers and the SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator can provide an artist workflow for defining these weightmaps.


  • Click and drag with the Left mouse button to paint a paint stroke
  • Click and drag with the Right mouse button to erase existing paint data.
  • Click and drag with the Middle mouse button to smooth existing paint data.
  • The mouse wheel can be used to resize the paint brush, except on platforms that do not support the mouse wheel.
  • The ‘Ctrl’ modifier key can be held during a left button mouse drag to resize the brush.
  • The ‘Alt’ modifier key can be held during a left button mouse drag to erase paint data.
  • The ‘Shift’ modifier key can be held during a left button mouse drag to smooth paint data.

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator SurfacePaintManipulator SurfacePaintManipulator SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator->SurfacePaintManipulator ISurfacePaintManipulator ISurfacePaintManipulator SurfacePaintManipulator->ISurfacePaintManipulator Manipulator Manipulator SurfacePaintManipulator->Manipulator


InlineInstance[] targetGeometries  
SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint[] strokePath The stroke points making up the current paint stroke.
SurfacePaintManipulator_State state  
Scalar brushSize  
Scalar brushStrength  
Scalar brushScaleSpeed  
Scalar mouseDownBrushSize  
Vec2 mouseDownScreenPos  
InlineMaterial paintBrushMaterial  
InlineInstance paintBrush  
String portToDrive  
String hostName  
String graphName  
UInt32 evalID  
String attributeName  
Integer paintMode  
SurfaceAttributePaintCommand command  

Methods in detail

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator ( in SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator other )

copy constructor

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator ()

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator.addTargetGeometry! ( in InlineInstance instance )

Add a new target geometry to the paint manipulator.

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator.clone? ()

clone method

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator.onPaint! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent, in SurfacePaintManipulator_PointCollection collectedPoints )

Called during the paint stroke for each mouse move event.

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator.onStrokeBegin! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Called when the stroke starts when the user presses down the mouse button Adds the generated SurfaceAttributePaintCommand command to the Host undo stack.

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator.onStrokeEnd! ( io MouseEvent mouseEvent )

Called when the stroke ends when the user releases the mouse button Adds the generated command to the Host undo stack.

SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator.setAttributeName! ( in String attributeName )