SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint (object)

バージョン 1.12.0 で追加.

A struct representing a single point in a paint stroke path. This structure is use to gather data from the geometry being painted. Used in the ‘collectPointsProduce’ and ‘collectPointsReduce’ MapReduce call. during painting.


The SurfacePaintManipulator generates an array of these structs

SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint


InlineInstance instance  
GeometryLocation location  
Vec3 objectSpacePoint  
Vec3 worldSpacePoint  

Methods in detail

SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint ( in InlineInstance instance, in GeometryLocation location, in Vec3 objectSpacePoint, in Vec3 worldSpacePoint )

SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint ( in SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint other )

copy constructor

SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint ()

default constructor

SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint SurfacePaintManipulator_StrokePoint.clone? ()

clone method