SurfaceAttributePaintCommand (object)

バージョン 1.12.0 で追加.

SurfaceAttributePaintCommand SurfaceAttributePaintCommand SurfaceAttributePaintCommand UndoRedoCommand UndoRedoCommand SurfaceAttributePaintCommand->UndoRedoCommand


SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator_PaintData[PolygonMesh] paintData a dictionary of SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator_PaintData object. One for each geometry. As a paint stoke moves from one geometry to another the paint data is added to the relevant container in the SurfaceAttributePaintCommand.

Methods in detail

SurfaceAttributePaintCommand ( in SurfaceAttributePaintCommand other )

copy constructor

SurfaceAttributePaintCommand ()

SurfaceAttributePaintCommand.addPaintData! ( in SurfaceAttributePaintManipulator_PaintData paintData )

Merges the current stroke data with the existing data collected over the course of the paint stroke.

paintData the data collected during the current event.

SurfaceAttributePaintCommand SurfaceAttributePaintCommand.clone? ()

clone method

SurfaceAttributePaintCommand.doAction! ()

Invoked by the redo action in the Host DCC.

String SurfaceAttributePaintCommand.getDesc? ()

Gets a string to use in the undo list.

SurfaceAttributePaintCommand.undoAction! ()

Invoked by the undo action in the Host DCC.