UndoRedoCommand (interface)

UndoRedoCommand UndoRedoCommand UndoRedoCommand SurfaceAttributePaintCommand SurfaceAttributePaintCommand SurfaceAttributePaintCommand->UndoRedoCommand SurfaceSculptCommand SurfaceSculptCommand SurfaceSculptCommand->UndoRedoCommand TransformManipulationCommand TransformManipulationCommand TransformManipulationCommand->UndoRedoCommand


  doAction ! ()
String getDesc ? ()
  undoAction ! ()

Functions in detail

UndoRedoCommand.doAction! ()

Invoked by the redo action in the Host DCC.

String UndoRedoCommand.getDesc? ()

Gets a string to use in the undo list.

UndoRedoCommand.undoAction! ()

Invoked by the undo action in the Host DCC.