SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData (struct)

バージョン 1.12.0 で追加.

A collection of points, and the generated value changes used to modify the shape of the painted PolygonMesh. A dictionary of these structures are stored in the SurfaceSculptCommand.

SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData


PolygonMesh mesh The mesh that was under the mouse during the event that generated the paint data.
Integer[] pointIds The points collected and modified during this paint stroke.
Vec3[] oldValues The previous values that existed before the paint stroke was applied to the mesh.
Vec3[] newValues The new values that exist after the paint stroke is applied to the mesh.
Boolean recomputePointNormals  

Methods in detail

SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData ( in PolygonMesh mesh )

SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData ( in SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData other )

copy constructor

SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData ()

default constructor

SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData.clone? ()

clone method

SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData.doAction! ()

SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData.mergeIn! ( in SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData sculptData )

Merge the new paint data into the existing paint data to create one set that can be undone/redone

SurfaceSculptManipulator_SculptData.undoAction! ()