Euler_i (struct)

The Euler_i type represents a 3D rotation as Euler_i X, Y, and Z angles and a RotationOrder. The X, Y, and Z angles are expressed in radians. The Euler_i type also provides conversion methods to Mat33_i.



** Example: Construct Euler_i

RotationOrder ro('xyz');
Euler_i euler(0.0, PI, 0.0, ro);
Mat33_i matrix = euler.toMat33_i();

Euler_i Euler_i Euler_i


SInt32 x  
SInt32 y  
SInt32 z  
RotationOrder ro  


  Euler_i ( in Euler_i other )
  Euler_i ( in SInt32 x, in SInt32 y, in SInt32 z )
  Euler_i ( in SInt32 x, in SInt32 y, in SInt32 z, in RotationOrder order )
  Euler_i ( in Vec3_i angles )
  Euler_i ( in Vec3_i angles, in RotationOrder order )
  Euler_i ()
Boolean almostEqual ? ( in Euler_i other, in SInt32 precision )
Euler_i clone ? ()
Boolean equal ? ( in Euler_i other )
Vec3_i getAngles ? ()
UInt32 hash ? ()
  set ! ( in SInt32 x, in SInt32 y, in SInt32 z )
  set ! ( in SInt32 x, in SInt32 y, in SInt32 z, in RotationOrder order )
  set ! ( in Vec3_i angles )
  set ! ( in Vec3_i angles, in RotationOrder order )
  setAngles ! ( in Vec3_i angles )
Mat33_i toMat33_i ? ()


  - Euler_i
Euler_i = ( Param other )

Methods in detail

Euler_i ( in Euler_i other )

copy constructor

Euler_i ( in SInt32 x, in SInt32 y, in SInt32 z )

Constructor using three SInt32s as angles in radians, RotationOrder = XYZ

Euler_i ( in SInt32 x, in SInt32 y, in SInt32 z, in RotationOrder order )

Constructor using three SInt32s as angles in radians and a RotationOrder

Euler_i ( in Vec3_i angles )

Constructor using a Vec3_i as angles in radians, RotationOrder = XYZ

Euler_i ( in Vec3_i angles, in RotationOrder order )

Constructor using a Vec3_i as radians and a RotationOrder

Euler_i ()

Default constructor

Boolean Euler_i.almostEqual? ( in Euler_i other, in SInt32 precision )

Returns true if this Euler_i is almost the same as another one (based on a precision)

Euler_i Euler_i.clone? ()

clone method

Boolean Euler_i.equal? ( in Euler_i other )

Returns true if this Euler_i is the same as another one (precisely)

Vec3_i Euler_i.getAngles? ()

Returns the angles as a Vec3_i in radians

UInt32 Euler_i.hash? ()

Hash for this value

Euler_i.set! ( in SInt32 x, in SInt32 y, in SInt32 z )

Setter using three SInt32s as angles in radians, RotationOrder = XYZ

Euler_i.set! ( in SInt32 x, in SInt32 y, in SInt32 z, in RotationOrder order )

Setter using three SInt32s as angles in radians and a RotationOrder

Euler_i.set! ( in Vec3_i angles )

Setter using a Vec3_i as angles in radians, RotationOrder = XYZ

Euler_i.set! ( in Vec3_i angles, in RotationOrder order )

Setter using a Vec3_i as radians and a RotationOrder

Euler_i.setAngles! ( in Vec3_i angles )

Setter using a Vec3_i as angles in radians, RotationOrder = XYZ

Mat33_i Euler_i.toMat33_i? ()

Converts the Euler_i to a Mat33_i representing the same 3D rotation transformation

Operators in detail

unary -

Euler_i = ( Param other )

Adds another Euler to this one